anybody has an example to properly load data by the dynamic web API into the DataTables? I need server-side processing with pagination and filtering support.
Here is the JavaScript code I have played with:
var tableData = {
draw: 1,
recordsTotal: 0,
recordsFiltered: 0,
data: []
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {
skipCount: data.start,
maxResultCount: data.length
}).done(function (result) {
tableData.recordsTotal = result.totalCount;
tableData.recordsFiltered = result.totalCount;
tableData.data = result.items;
Above code is not working. I'll be appreciative for any help.
7 Answer(s)
I've no experience on datatables (while I made <a class="postlink" href="http://www.jTable.org">http://www.jTable.org</a> since datatables was hard to use :D) but your code seems incorrect. Try this:
var tableData = { draw: 1, recordsTotal: 0, recordsFiltered: 0, data: [] }; $("#datatable_auditlogs").DataTable({ processing: true, serverSide: true, ajax: function (data, callback, settings) { abp.services.rioclub.auditLog.getPaged({ skipCount: data.start, maxResultCount: data.length }).done(function (result) { tableData.recordsTotal = result.totalCount; tableData.recordsFiltered = result.totalCount; tableData.data = result.items; callback( JSON.parse(tableData) ); }); } });
I think callback should be called when ajax done. Also JSON.parse seems unrelated but I don't how know Datatables works.
Thanks for response, but it is not working.
As you said, DataTables is hard to use, I agree. I have some other issues with it. I found the Bootstrap Table. It is much simpler than DataTables.
jTable is great, but it doesn't have support for Bootstrap theme and this will result on inconsistent UI style.
If you are using AngularJs, I suggest Angular ui-grid (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ui-grid.info">www.ui-grid.info</a>). I used it in ASP.NET Zero project (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetzero.com/">http://www.aspnetzero.com/</a>).
I resolved problem with DataTables and pagination on server side.
Here is a working code:
var tableData = { draw: 0, recordsTotal: 0, recordsFiltered: 0, data: [] }; $("#datatable_auditlogs").DataTable({ processing: true, serverSide: true, columns: [ { data: 'id' }, { data: 'tenantId' }, { data: 'userId' }, { data: 'serviceName' }, { data: 'methodName' }, { data: 'parameters' }, { data: 'executionTime' }, { data: 'executionDuration' }, { data: 'clientIpAddress' }, { data: 'clientName' }, { data: 'browserInfo' }, { data: 'exception' }, ], ajax: function (data, callback, settings) { abp.services.app.auditLog.getPaged({ skipCount: data.start, maxResultCount: data.length }).done(function (result) { tableData.draw = data.draw; tableData.recordsTotal = result.totalCount; tableData.recordsFiltered = result.totalCount; tableData.data = result.items; callback(tableData); }); } });
Thanks for information sharing.
you can try "mvc.jquery.datatables".
<a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/mcintyre321/mvc.jquery.datatables">https://github.com/mcintyre321/mvc.jquery.datatables</a>
thank you for sharing