4 Answer(s)
Hi @hrod761
It seems like your project has build error. Can you please open a command prompt in your mvc project's folder and run
dotnet build
and share the error that you faced. -
Thanks for your response, however I can run the project and duilds sucessfully, swagger shows the new entity - it's just not creating the migration or updating the database. What folder are you refering to "mvc" ? this project is .netcore + angular. Please advise.
What folder are you refering to "mvc" ?
Sorry about that, I missed that part. I meant Host project. Since your project builds successfully, can you please share related part of the log file of PowerTools.(it is located in
Also, can you please open a command prompt in your EntityFrameworkCore project's folder and run
dotnet ef
to check if your pc has entity framework. If it works correctly then try to add migration manuelly. Open a command prompt in your EntityFrameworkCore and rundotnet ef migrations add "YOURMIGRATIONNAME"
and share the result. -
Running this command will resolve you EF issue: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef