james.marley created
I am trying to setup a dynamic list of features based on rows in a database table. I know I can add in features through code as documented but I haven't found any examples where I can query a table and populate a list of features. My attempts at reading items from a repository have resulted in issues around sync and async on application start up.
I wanted to check that what I'm trying to do is possible/correct and if there is any guidance availabe on how to do this.
1 Answer(s)
Hello @james.marley
You can follow that document to see how to define your features: https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Feature-Management#defining-features.
To get datas from database you can simply inject your feature store and list items. For example:
public class AppFeatureProvider : FeatureProvider { private readonly IRepository<MyFeature> _myFeatureRepository; private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager; public AppFeatureProvider(IRepository<MyFeature> myFeatureRepository, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager) { _myFeatureRepository = myFeatureRepository; _unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager; } public override void SetFeatures(IFeatureDefinitionContext context) { using (_unitOfWorkManager.Begin()) { var myFeatures = _myFeatureRepository.GetAll().ToList(); foreach (var myFeature in myFeatures){ var chatFeature = context.Create( myFeature.Name, defaultValue: myFeature.defaultValue, displayName: myFeature.displayName, inputType: GetInputTypeOfFeature(myFeature) ); } } } private IInputType GetInputTypeOfFeature(MyFeature feature){ //get input type name from db and cast it to IInputType you want if(feature.InputType=="MySingleLineStringInputTypeKey"){ return new SingleLineStringInputType(new NumericValueValidator(0, int.MaxValue)); } //... return new CheckboxInputType(); } }