I would like to create new users with no emails. Inside my UserManager's constructor, I have the following code:
UserValidator = new UserValidator<User, long>(this)
RequireUniqueEmail = false,
However, I am still getting a validation error with an empty email address.
3 Answer(s)
EmailAddress is required for Abp.Zero. I suggest you to use it, since UserManager checks it on login. You can change required attribute by fluent mapping configuration in onmodelcreating, this may break login as I said. If you will not show it at all, put a <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> for uniqueness.
Thank you for your help. In case anyone need it.
class User
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings=true)] public override string EmailAddress { get; set; }
public override async Task<IdentityResult> CheckDuplicateUsernameOrEmailAddressAsync(long? expectedUserId, string userName, string emailAddress) { var user = (await FindByNameAsync(userName)); if (user != null && user.Id != expectedUserId) { return AbpIdentityResult.Failed(string.Format("Name {0} is already taken.", userName)); } // if email address was provided, check that it does not exist if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress)) { user = (await FindByEmailAsync(emailAddress)); if (user != null && user.Id != expectedUserId) { return AbpIdentityResult.Failed(string.Format("Email Address {0} is already taken.", emailAddress)); } } return IdentityResult.Success; }
You mentioned that "this may break login". I was going over the AbpUserManager.cs class, but I was not able to find a problem since the LoginAsyncInternal function use the username or email to login. Any idea where this will break? Thanks again
Since all emails will be empty (same), and login method checks also emails, it may be problem I thought. If not, never mind it.