Dear Halil,
can you provide a working sample of two database providers together for boilerplate
SQL Server & MongoDB
today I tried to merge the sqlclient and mongodb in boilerplate
Abp MongoDB UnitOfWork implementations conflicted with EntityFramework... in runtime when happened dependency injection ..
mongodb repository is transferred to the EF SQL one in runtime ...
i have manually changed the Abp.MongoDB source code to avoid that .. but MongoDB collections yielding null
that is why the samples found were for only one database driver (i mean inlcuding unitOfWork & dependecny Injection)
I have done a fix ... but it is not saving in database... seems to be runtime and dependency injection issue.
in fact i have used your latest GitHub Abp Dlls also Abp.MongoDB
when i remove entityFramework Nugets from project and use only MongoDB one it is workign and vice versa
they are not working together because of UnitOfWork Database conflict
1 Answer(s)
When you inject IRepository<TEntity>, ABP should return a repository that works with a data source. To make this possible, EF module scans all entities in all dbcontexes and registers an EfRepositoryBase<TEntity> for each entitiy.
MongoDb module is not completed yet.Currently, when you use 2 ORM, you can not use automatic repositories for both of them. You can create custom repositories for mongodb where your repositories are derived from MongoDbRepositoryBase.