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Windows Authentication - how do I get the user? #11376

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enio created

Our aspnetzero version: 11.3.0

Since several days I am now struggling with getting windows authentication to work. The problem I currently have is that my user is not set in:


The User object is set, but it is empty.

As described here - I have registered the authentication scheme in startup.cs:


But unfortunately the user on HttpContext remains empty. I am pretty sure that I have setup IIS correctly - because I have built a very simple demo 6.0 project which works just fine and loads the user provided with windows authentication.

Therefore I have to guess that somehow the authentication configuration that I provided is overwritten by aspnetzero. Could that be possible?

1 Answer(s)
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    m.aliozkaya created
    Support Team

    Hi @enio

    Could you check this question?