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Azure 'App Service' deployment issue (related to Redis?) #1186

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saasygreene created

I am a new developer, and I have used Azure App Services when I was practicing on the boilerplate + module zero. That worked fine. As for Zero: I setup the connection strings to link to an Azure database in the web.config file, and have a connection. When I debug, everything works as expected. When I deploy it to Azure (after turning off Custom Errors), I get this error: removed_link

One difference in the config file is that 'Redis' has a connection string. I left it as 'localhost', but I think that is incorrect usage for App Services. Azure has a 'Redis Caches' resource, but I still need to read up on this. Anyone else facing similar issues?

Also in settings before deployment:

The database provider is not supported for this connection string. Incremental database publishing is supported only for SqlClient as well as Entity Framework Code First models.

How do you suggest I deploy? Azure has been rather convenient for me, but I will consider other options.

3 Answer(s)
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    maharatha created

    This is what my experience in Azure since the last two days, I started getting the error which you are getting now.

    I solved it by this way :

    Go to your web app and then go to the mobile settings and add the data connection there and name the data connection as Default. Once you do that it automatically appears in theapplication setting.

    Then I removed all the resource to make sure I know what I am doing. At this point I am able to connect to the azure DB from my local host and work. But somehow the trick I mentioned you above doesn't work for me now.

    Now I am stuck with error :

    @Html.Action("Header", "Layout", new { currentPageName = ViewBag.CurrentPageName })

    The database is fine becuase it works when I connect my local system to the database.

    So I am not sure what could be causing this issue

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    maharatha created

    For Redis Cache just buy the Microsft Redis Cache and it will provide you with a connection string which you can use.

    The error which you are getting is data connection issue NOT redis cache issue

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    saasygreene created

    <cite>maharatha: </cite> Go to your web app and then go to the mobile settings and add the data connection there and name the data connection as Default. Once you do that it automatically appears in the application setting.

    Thanks maharatha, it works now!