Dear All,
When using Power Tool To add file upload in an Entity, the image is not uploaded, please advise.
4 Answer(s)
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
Could you share Developer Console errors? Also, at which step does the error occur? Could you share the entity.json and the project version to help us detective the problem?
We tried it with version 11, 11.4 and also 13.2 angular, you can try even a simple entity with one string field and one file field, we can see two problem.
1- the file token sent is null when saving.
2- also there is another problem that we see the the cache is set at uploading the image not at save and it set to 1 min. So the user uploading the photo a d waiting around 1 min before saving the entity , it will no be found in the cache.
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
I created a new solution from the website. But I can't reproduce it. Could you share your project with [email protected]
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
We found the problem. It is related to non-modal pages. It will be fixed in the next version.
Thanks for your feedback