We think there is a bug in the Power tool when we tr to generate an entity with navigation property on the power tool in the export excel function in angular as attached
the power tool settings are 1- NON-modal 2-TrackHistroy 3-Excel Import and Export 4-NavigatiON property 5-Overridable Entity
we tried it on versions 13.2 and 13.3
23 Answer(s)
have you checked this issue? is it a bug,? is there a resolution?
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
Thanks for your reporting. I found the error is related to non-modal master-detail pages. I've created an issue about it. It will be released in the next version. https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/5344
it is not related to the master-detail Page, it is related to non-model in the case of navigation property,
could you please confirm that? also, we need a temp resolution till the next version released
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
Could you share your entity.json files? For base entity and child entity. So I can offer you a temporary solution.
here you go
{ "IsRegenerate": true, "MenuPosition": "main", "RelativeNamespace": "LevelDomain", "EntityName": "AssetClass", "EntityNamePlural": "AssetClasses", "TableName": "AssetClasses", "PrimaryKeyType": "int", "BaseClass": "FullAuditedEntity", "EntityHistory": true, "AutoMigration": false, "UpdateDatabase": false, "CreateUserInterface": true, "CreateViewOnly": true, "CreateExcelExport": true, "CreateExcelImport": true, "IsNonModalCRUDPage": true, "IsMasterDetailPage": false, "GenerateOverridableEntity": true, "GenerateUnitTest": false, "GenerateUiTest": false, "PagePermission": { "Host": true, "Tenant": true }, "Properties": [ { "Name": "ArName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "EnName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "LevelNo", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "ClassCode", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "Classbarcode", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "SystemCode", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "DepreciationMethod", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "TotalNumberOfDepreciation", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "FrequencyOfDepreciation", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "image", "Type": "file", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": false, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} } ], "NavigationProperties": [ { "Namespace": "WDx_Asset_Tracking.LevelDomain", "ForeignEntityName": "AssetClass", "ForeignEntityNamePlural": "AssetClasses", "IdType": "int", "IsNullable": true, "PropertyName": "AssetClassId", "DuplicationNumber": 0, "RelationType": "single", "ViewType": "Dropdown", "DisplayPropertyNameInfos": { "MergeFormat": "{0}", "DisplayPropertyNames": [ "ArName" ] } } ], "NavigationPropertyOneToManyTables": [], "EnumDefinitions": [], "DbContext": null }
also, another issue that need to be solved, all the injected services/repository in base app service is private and that means , we won't be able to access in the extended class, please advise
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
For temporary solution:
and copy it toPartialTemplates.Custom.txt
in the same folder.Add following code to
{ "placeholder" : "{{NP_Fill_Null_For_Excel_Filter}}", "templates" : [ { "relation" : "single", "content" : " undefined," } ] }
Update following lines with
instead ofNP_Fill_Null_For_Filter_Generated_By_Master_Pages
{ "placeholder": "{{Get_Excel_Method_Here}}", "condition": "{{Create_Excel_Export_Here}} == true && {{Project_Version_Here}} >= 130200", "content": " exportToExcel($event): void { this._{{entity_Name_Plural_Here}}ServiceProxy.get{{Entity_Name_Plural_Here}}ToExcel( this.filterText, $event, {{Property_Filter_Param_Here}}{{NP_Filter_Param_Here}}{{NP_Fill_Null_For_Excel_Filter}} ) .subscribe(result => { this._fileDownloadService.downloadTempFile(result); }); }" }, { "placeholder": "{{Get_Excel_Method_Here}}", "condition": "{{Create_Excel_Export_Here}} == true && {{Project_Version_Here}} < 130200", "content": " exportToExcel(): void { this._{{entity_Name_Plural_Here}}ServiceProxy.get{{Entity_Name_Plural_Here}}ToExcel( this.filterText, {{Property_Filter_Param_Here}}{{NP_Filter_Param_Here}}{{NP_Fill_Null_For_Excel_Filter}} ) .subscribe(result => { this._fileDownloadService.downloadTempFile(result); }); }" },
For the second problem, inject the repository into new fields from the constructor and use it directly. But we will fix in the next version by changing it to protected property.
I got two answers one on email and this one, which of them is correct?
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
You can apply this solution. I updated the answer for better solution. https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/12129/Power-Tool-Navigation#answer-28d2167f-9e8e-1ddd-5823-3a14c9e417f3
this is worked ok, but now when we tried to have a Master entity for this entity using Power tool, we got many error in the angular(there were error also in the aspcore but we solved)
here is the two entity
{ "IsRegenerate": true, "MenuPosition": "main", "RelativeNamespace": "LevelDomain", "EntityName": "AssetClass", "EntityNamePlural": "AssetClasses", "TableName": "AssetClasses", "PrimaryKeyType": "int", "BaseClass": "FullAuditedEntity", "EntityHistory": true, "AutoMigration": false, "UpdateDatabase": false, "CreateUserInterface": true, "CreateViewOnly": true, "CreateExcelExport": true, "CreateExcelImport": true, "IsNonModalCRUDPage": true, "IsMasterDetailPage": false, "GenerateOverridableEntity": true, "GenerateUnitTest": false, "GenerateUiTest": false, "PagePermission": { "Host": true, "Tenant": true }, "Properties": [ { "Name": "ArName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "EnName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "LevelNo", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "ClassCode", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "Classbarcode", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "SystemCode", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "DepreciationMethod", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "TotalNumberOfDepreciation", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "FrequencyOfDepreciation", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "image", "Type": "file", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": false, "List": false, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} } ], "NavigationProperties": [{ "Namespace": "WDx_Asset_Tracking.LevelDomain", "ForeignEntityName": "CategoryNamingSetting", "ForeignEntityNamePlural": "CategoryNamingSettings", "IdType": "int", "IsNullable": true, "PropertyName": "CategoryNamingSettingId", "DisplayPropertyName": "EnName", "DisplayPropertyNameInfos": { "MergeFormat": "{0}", "DisplayPropertyNames": [ "EnName" ] }, "DuplicationNumber": 0, "RelationType": "single", "ViewType": "Dropdown", "IsGeneratedByMasterPage": true }, { "Namespace": "WDx_Asset_Tracking.LevelDomain", "ForeignEntityName": "AssetClass", "ForeignEntityNamePlural": "AssetClasses", "IdType": "int", "IsNullable": true, "PropertyName": "ParentId", "DuplicationNumber": 0, "RelationType": "single", "ViewType": "Dropdown", "DisplayPropertyNameInfos": { "MergeFormat": "{0}", "DisplayPropertyNames": [ "ArName" ] } } ], "NavigationPropertyOneToManyTables": [], "EnumDefinitions": [], "DbContext": null }
{ "IsRegenerate": true, "MenuPosition": "main", "RelativeNamespace": "LevelDomain", "EntityName": "CategoryNamingSetting", "EntityNamePlural": "CategoryNamingSettings", "TableName": "CategoryNamingSettings", "PrimaryKeyType": "int", "BaseClass": "FullAuditedEntity", "EntityHistory": true, "AutoMigration": true, "UpdateDatabase": true, "CreateUserInterface": true, "CreateViewOnly": true, "CreateExcelExport": true, "CreateExcelImport": true, "IsNonModalCRUDPage": false, "IsMasterDetailPage": true, "GenerateOverridableEntity": true, "GenerateUnitTest": false, "GenerateUiTest": false, "PagePermission": { "Host": true, "Tenant": true }, "Properties": [ { "Name": "ArName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "EnName", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "LevelNo", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "CodeDigits", "Type": "int", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} }, { "Name": "GenerateAutomatic", "Type": "bool", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0.0, "MaximumValue": 0.0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "IsMultiLingual": false, "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true }, "ViewType": null, "AdditionalData": {} } ], "NavigationProperties": [], "NavigationPropertyOneToManyTables": [ { "EntityJson": "LevelDomain.AssetClass.json", "ForeignPropertyName": "CategoryNamingSettingId", "IsNullable": "True", "DisplayPropertyName": "EnName", "ViewType": "Dropdown" }, ], "EnumDefinitions": [], "DbContext": null }
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
Can you send me the error screenshot? Is there of the many places? Next release in the next week, if you send me the errors we will fix in the next version.
this is a small part of the errors, i think it is better to test it yourself to get the error
27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:309:53 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property of 'a'.
309 [routerLink]="['/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/createOrEdit']"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:310:53 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'queryParams' since it isn't a known property of 'a'.
310 [queryParams]="{ id: record.assetClass.id }" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:385:25 - error NG8001: 'p-paginator' is not a known element:
- If 'p-paginator' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'p-paginator' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
385 <p-paginator ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 386 [rows]="primengTableHelper.defaultRecordsCountPerPage" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... 394 " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 395 ></p-paginator> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:386:29 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'rows' since it isn't a known property of 'p-paginator'.
- If 'p-paginator' is an Angular component and it has 'rows' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'p-paginator' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
- To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.
386 [rows]="primengTableHelper.defaultRecordsCountPerPage" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:389:29 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'totalRecords' since it isn't a known property of 'p-paginator'.
- If 'p-paginator' is an Angular component and it has 'totalRecords' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'p-paginator' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
- To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.
389 [totalRecords]="primengTableHelper.totalRecordsCount" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:390:29 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'rowsPerPageOptions' since it isn't a known property of 'p-paginator'.
- If 'p-paginator' is an Angular component and it has 'rowsPerPageOptions' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'p-paginator' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
- To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.
390 [rowsPerPageOptions]="primengTableHelper.predefinedRecordsCountPerPage" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:391:29 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'showCurrentPageReport' since it isn't a known property of 'p-paginator'.
- If 'p-paginator' is an Angular component and it has 'showCurrentPageReport' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'p-paginator' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
- To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.
391 [showCurrentPageReport]="true" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:392:29 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'currentPageReportTemplate' since it isn't a known property of 'p-paginator'.
- If 'p-paginator' is an Angular component and it has 'currentPageReportTemplate' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'p-paginator' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
- To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.
392 [currentPageReportTemplate]=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 393 'TotalRecordsCount' | localize: primengTableHelper.totalRecordsCount ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 394 " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:393:55 - error NG8004: No pipe found with name 'localize'.
393 'TotalRecordsCount' | localize: primengTableHelper.totalRecordsCount ~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:404:1 - error NG8001: 'excel-column-selection-modal' is not a known element:
- If 'excel-column-selection-modal' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'excel-column-selection-modal' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
404 <excel-column-selection-modal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 405 (modalSave)="exportToExcel($event)" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 406 #excelColumnSelectionModal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 407 ></excel-column-selection-modal> ~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html:409:1 - error NG8001: 'entityTypeHistoryModal' is not a known element:
- If 'entityTypeHistoryModal' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
- To allow any element add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.
409 <entityTypeHistoryModal #entityTypeHistoryModal></entityTypeHistoryModal> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:27:18 27 templateUrl: './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.html', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error occurs in the template of component MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassesComponent.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClasses.component.ts:159:14 - error TS2554: Expected 13 arguments, but got 11.
159 .getAssetClassesToExcel( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 160 this.filterText, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... 170 this.categoryNamingSettingId, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 171 ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/shared/service-proxies/service-proxies.ts:3030:460 3030 getAssetClassesToExcel(filter: string | undefined, selectedColumns: string[] | undefined, arNameFilter: string | undefined, enNameFilter: string | undefined, maxLevelNoFilter: number | undefined, minLevelNoFilter: number | undefined, classCodeFilter: string | undefined, classbarcodeFilter: string | undefined, systemCodeFilter: string | undefined, categoryNamingSettingEnNameFilter: string | undefined, categoryNamingSettingIdFilter: number | undefined, assetClassArNameFilter: string | undefined, parentIdFilter: number | undefined): Observable<FileDto> {
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An argument for 'assetClassArNameFilter' was not provided.
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/categoryNamingSettings/categoryNamingSetting.module.ts:21:9 - error NG6002: 'MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassModule' does not appear to be an NgModule class.
21 MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassModule, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClass.module.ts:23:14 23 export class MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_AssetClassModule {} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is it missing an @NgModule annotation?
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Build at: 2024-09-04T22:36:11.394Z - Hash: 0967879043b9cb89 - Time: 6016ms
./src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClass.module.ts:12:0-168 - Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_create-or-edit-assetClass.component' in 'D:\Source\Repos\AssetTracking13.2\FrontEnd\angular\src\app\main\levelDomain\assetClasses'
./src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClass.module.ts:13:0-150 - Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_view-assetClass.component' in 'D:\Source\Repos\AssetTracking13.2\FrontEnd\angular\src\app\main\levelDomain\assetClasses'
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/assetClasses.component.ts:168:17 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
168 this.assetClassArNameFilter, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Error: src/app/main/levelDomain/assetClasses/masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_assetClass.module.ts:6:89 - error TS2307: Cannot find module './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_create-or-edit-assetClass.component' or its corresponding type declarations.
6 import { MasterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_CreateOrEditAssetClassComponent } from './masterDetailChild_CategoryNamingSetting_create-or-edit-assetClass.component';
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
I reproduced the problem and created an issue for it.
This Link https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/5363 give me 404?
Hi WirelessDynamics
After logging in with the user who has the plan on the aspnetzero.com website, clicking the manage button under the Account button, you can give permission to the github user you are trying to log in from the Github Members tab on the relevant page.
As a Github member, can you delete the previously added username and add it again? This will solve your problem.
Was this issue solved in the new 13.4 version? also is there a newer version of the power tool?
also, i noticed that there is code generation for maui in the new version, how can this work
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
The new version of Power Tools has not been released yet. We will release it soon.
Yes, there is code generation for Maui. It generates pages, models, and client proxies. For now, we can add simple crud operations and simple foreign entities. We want to make further developments based on incoming requests.
is there any plan to have local database for maui?
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
We don't have such a plan at the moment. But you can easily implement it yourself. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/data-cloud/database-sqlite?view=net-maui-8.0
If there is demand, we can add it to the roadmap.
Hi @WirelessDynamics,
The power tools was successfully released. You can try code generation with Maui, also your problem should be fixed at this version. Please feel free to give feedback