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Single login session feature lost in our new product release #12155

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In our earlier version V2.1 using Zero 12.4.0, it is single login session.

if I logged in as Admin on 1 pc it would steal the connection from another pc that was already logged in as Admin. I would be forced to log back in to the original connection.

However, in V2.2 using Zeo 13.1.0, I can now have both logged in as same operator and do what I like.


In V2.1 login on PC ABC as Roy

Go to PC DEF and login as Roy

Go back to PC ABC and try and do something and you get booted to the login screen.

Operator can only be logged into 1 PC at a time

In V2.2. login on PC ABC as Roy

Go to PC DEF and login as Roy

Go back to PC ABC and you can still open and edit records

Go back to PC DEF and you can still open and edit records

This behaviour change may be related our code change to access token and refresh token in the current release. I don't think Zero offers single login session out of the box? Am I right? If you implement single login session, how do you do it? Where to start? For us, how to quickly locate the code which caused the change. Please note that the behaviour change is not intentional.

1 Answer(s)
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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team


    In later versions, the setting under the title Only one current login per user on the Host settings page has been added. When you activate it, only one user can log in from one session at that moment, and when a different session is logged in, the open session will be closed.

    Related setting