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asp zero power tool generate files in different path #12175

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ibrahim_fakeh created

I updated the asp zero power tool to the latest version (4.3.3) then at the same time I changed the angular URL path project to (aspnet-core\src\angular) and the changed the configuration in (AspNetZeroRadTool) config file, the new changed ( "AngularSrcPath": "\..\..\aspnet-core\src\angular\src\") when regenerating table called "testTypeResultItemNormalRanges", the generation write the code in this path \src/app/main/testTypeResultItemNormalRanges/view-testTypeResultItemNormalRange-modal.component.ts but regenarion entity form its set to the following: in Entity Info/ namespace: Lab in Menu position: custom in Parent Menu Position: Lab

3 Answer(s)
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    m.aliozkaya created
    Support Team

    Hi @ibrahim_fakeh,

    I didn't fully understand the problem. Could you share the expected path and the generated path? Also, please share your entity.json.

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    ibrahim_fakeh created

    The expected path: aspnet-core\src\angular\src\app\lab
    The generated path: aspnet-core\src\angular\src\app\main\

    the entity.json :

    this is the config file for aspzer power tool

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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi ibrahim_fakeh

    When an entity is generated using a custom menu position in Angular projects, the entity will always be created under "main" due to the module structure