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Allow an operator to force another operator to be logged out #12201

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ASP.NET Zero API: v13.3.0 | Client: v13.3.0

Goal: Allow an operator to force another operator to be logged out, lock their account, expire their session, etc.

I tried adding an API to TokenAuthController.cs. I tried the following methods without success. I think I got misunderstanding.

  1. remove the user from userSettingCache
  2. Invalidate or remove SecurityStampKey, TokenValidityKey and RefreshTokenValidityKey
  3. deleting the tokens from the [AbpUserTokens] repository
  4. attempt to remove access and refresh tokens from the user's claim, but _userManager.GetClaimsAsync(user) returns nothing

Please advise a proper way to resolve the issue.

    public async Task<IActionResult> ForceLogout(long userId)
        var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId.ToString());
        if (user == null)
            return NotFound("User not found.");

        // Here, implement logic to revoke the user's token and refresh token
        // Invalidate or remove any tokens associated with the user, 

        //var userIdentifier = new UserIdentifier(AbpSession.TenantId, userId);
        //var userSettingCache = _cacheManager.GetUserSettingsCache();
        //await userSettingCache.RemoveAsync(userIdentifier.ToString());

        // Invalidate SecurityStampKey
        var securityStampCache = _cacheManager.GetCache(AppConsts.SecurityStampKey);
        await securityStampCache.RemoveAsync(userId.ToString());

        // Invalidate TokenValidityKey
        var tokenValidityCache = _cacheManager.GetCache(AppConsts.TokenValidityKey);
        await tokenValidityCache.RemoveAsync(userId.ToString());

        // Invalidate RefreshTokenValidityKey
        var refreshTokenValidityCache = _cacheManager.GetCache(AppConsts.RefreshTokenValidityKey);
        await refreshTokenValidityCache.RemoveAsync(userId.ToString());

        // userClaims is empty

#if false var userClaims = await _userManager.GetClaimsAsync(user); if (userClaims.Any()) { var tokenValidityKeyInClaims = user.Claims.First(c => c.ClaimType == AppConsts.TokenValidityKey); if (tokenValidityKeyInClaims != null) { await RemoveTokenAsync(tokenValidityKeyInClaims.ClaimValue); }

            var refreshTokenValidityKeyInClaims =
                user.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClaimType == AppConsts.RefreshTokenValidityKey);
            if (refreshTokenValidityKeyInClaims != null)
                await RemoveTokenAsync(refreshTokenValidityKeyInClaims.ClaimValue);


#if false // deleting the tokens from the [AbpUserTokens] table isn't forcing the user to log out

        // Find all tokens associated with the user
        var userTokens = await _userTokenRepository.GetAllListAsync(t => t.UserId == userId);

        // Delete tokens to force logout
        foreach (var token in userTokens)
            await _userTokenRepository.DeleteAsync(token);


        // Update security stamp to invalidate user's current tokens
        // If using ASP.NET Identity, you can invalidate the user's token by updating their SecurityStamp.
        // This will force the token to be invalid for future requests.
        //await _userManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);

        return Ok("User has been logged out.");

2 Answer(s)
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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team


    Could you please repeat the following ForceLogout

    public async Task<IActionResult> ForceLogout(int tenantId, long userId)
        var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId.ToString());
        if (user == null)
            return NotFound("User not found.");
        // Update security stamp to invalidate user's current tokens
        await _userManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);
        // Delete tokens from AbpUserTokens repository
        var userTokens = await _userTokenRepository.GetAllListAsync(t => t.UserId == userId);
        foreach (var token in userTokens)
            await _userTokenRepository.DeleteAsync(token);
        // Clear SecurityStampKey cache
        var securityStampCache = _cacheManager.GetCache(AppConsts.SecurityStampKey);
        await securityStampCache.RemoveAsync(userId.ToString());
        // Clear TokenValidityKey cache
        var tokenValidityCache = _cacheManager.GetCache(AppConsts.TokenValidityKey);
        await tokenValidityCache.RemoveAsync(userId.ToString());
        // Clear RefreshTokenValidityKey cache
        var refreshTokenValidityCache = _cacheManager.GetCache(AppConsts.RefreshTokenValidityKey);
        await refreshTokenValidityCache.RemoveAsync(userId.ToString());
        // Remove security stamp cache item for the user
        await _securityStampHandler.RemoveSecurityStampCacheItem(tenantId, userId);
        return Ok("User has been logged out.");
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    Hi @oguzhanagir,

    It works. Thank you so much.