jhonedulab created
Hello Support, Good Day! I tried to create a simple cookie on the server, the issue is that when i try to make request again the cookie is not being sent over and also when i try to check the debugger the cookie is not available.
Using Angular and Asp.netcore webapi.
Regards, Jhon
4 Answer(s)
Hi @jhonedulab,
How do you send the cookie? Can you show the method?
There is an example for you
Response.Cookies.Append("Abp.AuthToken", accessToken, new CookieOptions { Expires = Clock.Now.Add(_configuration.AccessTokenExpiration), HttpOnly = true, Secure = true, SameSite = SameSiteMode.None } );
Hi @jhonedulab,
I couldn't reproduce it, it works on my side. Do you have this problem with a fresh project? Also, could you share a sample project with [email protected]