inovatech created
I would like to centralize the contents of a grid cell, but I can't. In SurName column on columnDefs, I tried to use cellClass, but did not work (file \App\common\views\users\index.js). Could help me, please?
1 Answer(s)
Have you checked angular ui-grid's document for this: <a class="postlink" href="http://ui-grid.info/">http://ui-grid.info/</a>
In addition, if you check js code, you will see we made customizations for some columns. Example: IsActive column:
{ name: app.localize('Active'), field: 'isActive', cellTemplate: '<div class=\"ui-grid-cell-contents\">' + ' <span ng-show="row.entity.isActive" class="label label-success">' + app.localize('Yes') + '</span>' + ' <span ng-show="!row.entity.isActive" class="label label-default">' + app.localize('No') + '</span>' + '</div>', minWidth: 80 },
To make this centralized, just add text-center class to 'ui-grid-cell-contents' div. Example:
{ name: app.localize('Active'), field: 'isActive', cellTemplate: '<div class=\"ui-grid-cell-contents text-center\">' + ' <span ng-show="row.entity.isActive" class="label label-success">' + app.localize('Yes') + '</span>' + ' <span ng-show="!row.entity.isActive" class="label label-default">' + app.localize('No') + '</span>' + '</div>', minWidth: 80 },