I'm trying to import data in my Persons table from Excel using the import Excel function. The import does succeed at first sight, except in my database I see two tables: the PersonTranslation table, which contains the actual fields where the imported data has to be stored, but instead of that empty lines are added to the Persons table. As shown in my attached images.
Did I do something wrong when I generated my entity? Or Is my perception of how to import data incorrect? In my excel import sheet I use the correct columnnames:
My guess is I am misunderstanding how the Persons and PersonTranslation works.
Thanks in advance,
1 Answer(s)
Hi @ddewitte
Did you manually create the entity? If so, did you add the specified properties as desired during the import process? You need to check how the table column names match the properties. Could you share the details with us? In the application, other entities take the column names as the nameof of the properties during the import process.