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Power Tool aracı ile MultiLanguage bir alanı navigasyon property olarak ekleme yaşanan problem #12395

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MarturAbpUser created

Merhaba, Power Tool aracı ile MultiLanguage bir alanı navigasyon property olarak eklediğimde oluşturulan kod sanki bu alan normal bir alanmış gibi geliyor ve kod derlenmiyor.
Yardımınızı rica ederim.
Ekran görüntüsü 2025-03-12 173649.png

7 Answer(s)
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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @MarturAbpUser

    Can I learn your ASP.NET Zero and Power Tools version? If your Power Tools version is not the latest version, v4.5.4, can you update to the latest version and let me know if the issue persists?

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    MarturAbpUser created

    PowerTool versiyon 4.5.4 kullanıyorum. Visual studio 2022 ve ABP framework 10.0.0

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    sailoper created

    You may filter translations based on current language.
    To get current Language in backend you may use
    System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture or Inject lanugageManager into service.
    But i think this definitely a bug to resolve on PowerTools templates

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    MarturAbpUser created

    I have solved it by doing manual changes. But it takes a lot of time. Even If I edit it when I change the same entity later with your "Regenerate Entity" feature, all my corrections are lost. Is the there a timeplan to fix this bug. Do I have to do something else. How can I flow the progress?

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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @MarturAbpUser

    Could you please mark this support ticket as open again? Can you update the Power Tools tool and FileTemplates to the latest version? Power Tools v4.6.0 and ASP.NET Zero 14.1.0 versions have been released. I will check the issue you encountered. I will share the developments with you through this ticket.

    Thank you

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    MarturAbpUser created

    I tried with Power Tools v4.6.0 and ASP.NET Zero 14.1.0 versions but the result is the same but the problem still exists.

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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @MarturAbpUser

    Thank you for your feedback. We have created an issue for this. You can follow the developments here. Have a great day!