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How to use calender control #12401

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Prasanthtp created

I use MVC jquery Project (Latest version). I want to add a dashboard that is basically a calendar view. I know ASPZero comes with full calendar.

But I find it difficult to follow the documentation.

Could you please explain to me how do I add a calendar control in an MVC page.

3 Answer(s)
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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @Prasanthtp

    Create a page by checking this document. Create a javascript file related to this page. Add the Calendar html content to the page you created in an appropriate format. Also specify the javascript file as script on this page. Add the page as a menu item by following this Menu Item creation document.

    If you can share the specific area where you are struggling step by step after completing these actions, I can provide more accurate assistance. Thank you.

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    Prasanthtp created

    I already know the documents you gave me in the reply. I have created different pages in my application like this. My specific question is if I want to include the full calendar control in my page what are the steps? What JS files should I include in my CSHTML file? Do you have a sample code specific to the full calendar control?

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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @Prasanthtp

    It will be sufficient to include only the following JavaScript files specifically for this page: "fullcalendar.bundle.js", "calendar.js", "widgets.js", and "widgets.bundle.js". Other necessary JavaScript files will already be included in the page through the Layout.

    Additionally, you need to include "fullcalendar.bundle.css" as the style file specific to this page. These files are located within Metronic folder, as specified below.


    • "assets/plugins/custom/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.bundle.css"


    • assets/plugins/custom/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.bundle.js

    • assets/js/custom/apps/calendar/calendar.js

    • assets/js/widgets.bundle.js

    • assets/js/custom/widgets.js