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Upgrade from v13.2.0 to v14.0.0 #12407

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mittera created


We had a consultant use our ASPNetZero to build our website, we call Merlin. They built it with version 13.2.0. We are now supporting this website and adding a new module. When I attempt to use the ASPNetZero Rad tool it assumes I am using v14.0.0. That version, as I am sure you know, is on .NET9 and our version is on .NET8. So I am trying to figure out how to get our current new module done in the least amount of time. I have spent the week trying, unsuccessfully, to upgrade from v13.2.0 to v14.0.0. My manager asked if there is a way to use the Radtool so it uses the v13.2.0 files?

11 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @mittera

    What version is specified in the config.json file located under the AspNetZeroRadTool folder in your project? Which version of the Power Tools extension are you currently using?

    Power Tools primarily checks the version in config.json and generates files accordingly using File Templates. Even if you update the AspNetZeroRadTool files in your project to version v14.0.0, the version check will ensure that files are added based on your project’s version.

    Can you provide details on the version specified in the config.json file? Also, are you facing this issue in a specific area, or is it a general problem? There might be an issue you have encountered.

  • User Avatar
    mittera created

    Hi @mittera

    What version is specified in the config.json file located under the AspNetZeroRadTool folder in your project? Which version of the Power Tools extension are you currently using?

    Power Tools primarily checks the version in config.json and generates files accordingly using File Templates. Even if you update the AspNetZeroRadTool files in your project to version v14.0.0, the version check will ensure that files are added based on your project’s version.

    Can you provide details on the version specified in the config.json file? Also, are you facing this issue in a specific area, or is it a general problem? There might be an issue you have encountered.

    "CompanyName": "Mittera",
    "ProjectName": "MIS",
    "ProjectType": "AngularMerged",
    "ProjectVersion": "v13.2.0",
    "ApplicationAreaName": "App",~~~~

  • User Avatar
    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @mittera

    Have you made any updates to the files inside the AspNetZeroRadTool folder of your project? Also, could you share the error with us? This will help us provide a more specific response.

  • User Avatar
    mittera created

    Hi @mittera

    Have you made any updates to the files inside the AspNetZeroRadTool folder of your project? Also, could you share the error with us? This will help us provide a more specific response.

    npm error code ERESOLVE
    npm error ERESOLVE could not resolve
    npm error
    npm error While resolving: @craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar@5.1.0
    npm error Found: @angular/core@19.2.3
    npm error node_modules/@angular/core
    npm error @angular/core@"^19.1.7" from the root project
    npm error peer @angular/core@"^19.1.7" from abp-ng2-module@12.1.0
    npm error node_modules/abp-ng2-module
    npm error abp-ng2-module@"^12.1.0" from the root project
    npm error 17 more (angular-gridster2, angular-oauth2-oidc, ...)
    npm error
    npm error Could not resolve dependency:
    npm error peer @angular/core@">=15.0.0 < 16.0.0" from @craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar@5.1.0
    npm error node_modules/@craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar
    npm error @craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar@"^5.1.0" from the root project
    npm error
    npm error Conflicting peer dependency: @angular/core@15.2.10
    npm error node_modules/@angular/core
    npm error peer @angular/core@">=15.0.0 < 16.0.0" from @craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar@5.1.0
    npm error node_modules/@craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar
    npm error @craftsjs/perfect-scrollbar@"^5.1.0" from the root project
    npm error
    npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
    npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
    npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
    npm error
    npm error
    npm error For a full report see:
    npm error C:\Users\rob.mroch\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2025-03-21T16_37_29_651Z-eresolve-report.txt
    npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\rob.mroch\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2025-03-21T16_37_29_651Z-debug-0.log

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    mittera created

    Currently getting:
    C:\Repos\Mittera MIS\src\Mittera.MIS.Web.Host>npm run hmr

    mittera-inventory@14.1.0 hmr
    gulp buildDev && ng serve --host --port 4200
    [11:45:10] Using gulpfile C:\Repos\Mittera MIS\src\Mittera.MIS.Web.Host\gulpfile.mjs
    [11:45:10] Starting 'buildDev'...
    Dynamic bundles are being created.
    [11:45:10] Finished 'buildDev' after 153 ms
    Error: Schema validation failed with the following errors:
    Data path "" must NOT have additional properties(main).

  • User Avatar
    mittera created

    Got past that next error:
    X [ERROR] TS-996002: This import contains errors, which may affect components that depend on this NgModule. [plugin angular-compiler]
    38 │ UtilsModule,

  • User Avatar
    mittera created

    I am getting closer now I get a bunch of errors from the service-proxies:

    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'NameValueOfString'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    4 │ ...ComponentsServiceProxy, NameValueOfString } from '@shared/servic...
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'EntityDtoOfString'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    6 │ EntityDtoOfString,
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'ListResultDtoOfOrganizationUnitDto'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    5 │ ListResultDtoOfOrganizationUnitDto,
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'EntityDtoOfInt64'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    9 │ EntityDtoOfInt64,
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'EntityDtoOfInt64'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    4 │ EntityDtoOfInt64,
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • User Avatar
    mittera created

    Hi @mittera

    Have you made any updates to the files inside the AspNetZeroRadTool folder of your project? Also, could you share the error with us? This will help us provide a more specific response.

    Any idea what I should do about this error in service-proxies?

    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'NameValueOfString'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    4 │ ...ComponentsServiceProxy, NameValueOfString } from '@shared/servic...
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'EntityDtoOfString'. [plugin angular-compiler]
    6 │ EntityDtoOfString,
    ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    X [ERROR] TS2305: Module '"@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies"' has no exported member 'ListResultDtoOfOrganizationUnitDto'. [plugin angular-compiler]

  • User Avatar
    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @mittera

    You can solve this problem by using "yarn" in the mentioned package mismatch error.

    I see that your Angular project version is 14.1.0. However, the backend version should also be upgraded to 14.1.0. If the Angular version is 14.1.0 while the backend server is on an older version, some incompatibilities may occur. Additionally, when making this change, you will also need to update AspNetZeroRadTool. This is because Angular 14.1.0 introduced the standalone component structure. To generate files properly and ensure compatibility, the latest version of Power Tools should be used.

    For proxy errors, after ensuring that the backend is compatible with the Angular version, you need to run the "npm run nswag" or "yarn nswag" command on the Angular side while the backend is running. This will update the service proxies.

  • User Avatar
    mittera created

    Hi @mittera

    You can solve this problem by using "yarn" in the mentioned package mismatch error.

    I see that your Angular project version is 14.1.0. However, the backend version should also be upgraded to 14.1.0. If the Angular version is 14.1.0 while the backend server is on an older version, some incompatibilities may occur. Additionally, when making this change, you will also need to update AspNetZeroRadTool. This is because Angular 14.1.0 introduced the standalone component structure. To generate files properly and ensure compatibility, the latest version of Power Tools should be used.

    For proxy errors, after ensuring that the backend is compatible with the Angular version, you need to run the "npm run nswag" or "yarn nswag" command on the Angular side while the backend is running. This will update the service proxies.

    I am not sure what is meant by backend version. Can you clarify?

  • User Avatar
    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi @mittera

    Your Angular project appears to be version 14.1.0 based on the error code. Have you updated your Host project to the latest version, 14.1.0? You can verify this by checking the package.json file under the Host project. If your projects are on version 14.1.0, you also need to update the version in the config.json file to 14.1.0. This ensures that Power Tools can generate entities for the latest version of the project. When updating config.json, don't forget that you need to update the entire AspNetZeroRadTool as well.