I have background jobs which enqueued by user, how to let user to see all their jobs, and what are their statuses?
4 Answer(s)
ABP framework has not such a feature since ABP's implementation is very simple. There are really good background job frameworks like HangFire. You can check them if they have such a feature. If not, you should implement your own solution for that.
Since ABP have no such feature, I wish to implement it myself by creating an Entity[TenantId, UserId, Log, JobId] to log those processes. I wish to link the created object with the enqueued job(JobId property) but BackgroundJobManager.Enqueu() method was not returning enqueued job(return type is void), any advice to get the enqueued job?
protected abstract void DoJob(); [UnitOfWork] public override void Execute(T args) { UserEnqueuedJob userEnqueuedJob = UserEnqueuedJobRepository.Get(args.UserEnqueuedJobId); userEnqueuedJob.Status = Entity.Enum.JobStatus.Executing; try { DoJob(); } finally { userEnqueuedJob.Status = Entity.Enum.JobStatus.Executed; } }
Can I create a new UnitOfWork to set UserEnqueuedJob status to Executing?
Since UOW is transactional, setting status to executing will not be written to database until your method ends. so, it has no meaning. I haven't understand your goal, but as a formal review, you should set status to executing in a different uow.