hi hikalkan ,
First,my project based on ABP created two dbcontext. I have modified the method 'UsingDbContext' of AbpTestBase as generic method to initialize two dbcontext data at AppTestBase intialize. The modified method like below:
protected void UsingDbContext<TDbContext>(Action<TDbContext> action)
where TDbContext:AbpDbContext
using (var context = LocalIocManager.Resolve<TDbContext>())
Below is AbpTestBase construction method :
protected AppTestBase()
//Seed initial data
UsingDbContext<HWWLDbContext>(context =>
new InitialDbBuilder(context).Create();
new TestDataBuilder(context).Create();
UsingDbContext<SecondHWWLDbContext>(secondSontext =>
new LMTestDataBuilder(secondSontext,AbpSession.TenantId.Value).Create();
Below is LMTestDataBuilder.cs :
public class LMTestDataBuilder
private readonly int _tenantId;
private readonly SecondHWWLDbContext _secondContext;
public LMTestDataBuilder(SecondHWWLDbContext secondContext,int tenantId)
_tenantId = tenantId;
_secondContext = secondContext;
public void Create()
public void CreateCargo()
var cargo = new Cargo
Id = GuidHelper.GetCombinedGuid(),
TenantId = _tenantId,
OperationTime = DateTime.Now,
InternalNumber = "TR1001",
CargoName = "Car",
NumberOfPackage = 100,
DeliveryAmount = 100,
ChargeAmount = 100,
it threw the exception : '{"Table 'AndCargoes' was not found. The database was probably not initialized.\r\n\r\nIf using CodeFirst try to add the following line:\r\ncontext.Database.CreateIfNotExists()"}' when initializing the second dbcontext data.
6 Answer(s)
Anybody can help me?
Please share your stack trace and second dbcontext (I suspect that the 2nd dbcontext has no costructor takes DbConnection). Also, do you have single shared db for 2 dbcontextes?
hi hikalkan, I have single shared db for 2 dbcontextes and unit test can run correctly. My 2nd dbcontext has the costructor takes DbConnection like below:
public class SecondHWWLDbContext : AbpDbContext {
public virtual IDbSet<Notification> Notifications { get; set; } public SecondHWWLDbContext() : base("Second") { } public SecondHWWLDbContext(string secondNameOrConnectionString) : base(secondNameOrConnectionString) { } public SecondHWWLDbContext(DbConnection dbConnection) : base(dbConnection, true) { } }
Stack trace is like below: at Abp.EntityFramework.AbpDbContext.SaveChanges() location e:\Abp\trunk\Abp+Zero+HWWL\Abp.EntityFramework\EntityFramework\AbpDbContext.cs:line 190 at AndHuang.HWWL.TestDatas.LMTestDataBuilder.Create() location e:\Abp\trunk\Abp+Zero+HWWL\AndHuang.HWWL.Tests\TestDatas\LMTestDataBuilder.cs:line 42 at AndHuang.HWWL.Tests.AppTestBase.<.ctor>b__1(SecondHWWLDbContext secondSontext) location e:\Abp\trunk\Abp+Zero+HWWL\AndHuang.HWWL.Tests\AppTestBase.cs:line 45 at AndHuang.HWWL.Tests.AppTestBase.UsingDbContext[TDbContext](Action`1 action) location e:\Abp\trunk\Abp+Zero+HWWL\AndHuang.HWWL.Tests\AppTestBase.cs:line 77 at AndHuang.HWWL.Tests.AppTestBase..ctor() location e:\Abp\trunk\Abp+Zero+HWWL\AndHuang.HWWL.Tests\AppTestBase.cs:line 43 at AndHuang.HWWL.Bills.Bill_Tests..ctor() location e:\Abp\trunk\Abp+Zero+HWWL
Maybe effort do not support multiple dbcontext. I have never tried it. Probably you opened this issue: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/tamasflamich/effort/issues/44">https://github.com/tamasflamich/effort/issues/44</a> We wait for an answer.
Ok,thank you!
Hi @JackyWang ,
Do you find solution for it ? I'm still on it.
Thank you.