Hello everybody:
i'm trying to execute a stored procedure in my app , i'm using (Module Zero) but i facing issue with (Create Query & Session)
Here is my code
public interface IEmpRepository : IRepository<Employee>
List<Employee> GetAllWithDepartment(int? deptID);
public class EmpRepository : EmployeesTasksRepositoryBase<Employee, int>, IEmpRepository
public EmpRepository(IDbContextProvider<EmployeesTasksDbContext> dbContextProvider)
: base(dbContextProvider)
public List<Employee> GetAllWithDepartment(int? deptID)
var query = Abp.Runtime.Session
.SetParameter("deptId", deptID);
Thank you all;
4 Answer(s)
First of all, what is Abp.Runtime.Session and why are you using it? You should use Context property to get your DbContext. Then if it does not works, please search web for "how to call stored procedure entity framework code first".
Thank you
I use this:
public IEnumerable<Employee> GetAllWithDepartment(int? deptID) { var departmentIDParameter = deptID != null ? new SqlParameter("@dept_id", deptID) : new SqlParameter("@dept_id", typeof (int)); return Context.Database.SqlQuery<Employee>("spGetEmployeesWithUsersWithDepartments @dept_id", departmentIDParameter); }
Hello All;
My Project structure like this
- MyProject.Core
- MyProject.App
- MyProject.EF [list:20feq927][:20feq927]EmpRepository (Stored procedure here as above implementation)[/:m:20feq927] [:20feq927]MyProject.Test[/:m:20feq927][/list:u:20feq927]
In my test app
private readonly IEmpRepository _EmpRepository; //Constructor public UnitTestClass() { _EmpRepository = LocalIocManager.Resolve<IEmpRepository>(); } [TestMethod] public void Should_Add_Employee_With_Authorized_User() { var result = _EmpRepository.GetAllWithDepartment(1); result.Count().ShouldBe(100); }
- I got exception:"The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed".
- Is that the appropriate way to use this (like ref --MyProject.EF -- into --MyProject.Test--).
Thank you :)
Have you checked this article: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/871786/Unit-testing-in-Csharp-using-xUnit-Entity-Framewor">http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/871 ... y-Framewor</a>
This article does not cover SPs but can give an idea of testing apps with ABP.
Are you trying to run tests against an actual database? It's not a suggested way generally since it may be changed and your tests will not be consistent. You can setup and use local DB for unit tests, I did it before, it's slow but covers SPs.