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How can I write my own permission manager version? #1626

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omital created

Can I write my own permission manager for permission check? If "Yes", How implement it? Why I need it: we implement mechanism than user must select Subsystem after login, in a result we have CurrentSubsystem in session. Now, we want implement permission for each Subsystem separately. for example suppose below application service's method:

[AbpAuthorize(new string[] { "ACC.BaseTables.Person.Update" ,"ISO.BaseTables.Person.Update"})]
public void UpdatePerson(){
     //method implementation 

We want authorize based on Current selected Substystem (ACC or ISO) that stored in session.

2 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    You should start by implemting IPermissionChecker: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... Checker.cs</a> Then replace it by the default one (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... n-services</a>)

    In your custom permission checker, you can inject session and do whatever you want and just return true/false based on your custom logic (I suggest you to somehow use caching for performance reasons).

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    omital created

    Where can I find sample (or default) IPermisiionChecker implementation? and what about RoleEdit page? 1-How can I load JUST permission name that related to CurrentSubsystemId (that retrieve from session)? (this section already solved whit this lines of code

    var allPermisions = PermissionManager.GetAllPermissions()

    ) Do you have any better solution? 2- How can I update allowed permission that just related to current subsystem. The problem is here

    var grantedPermissions = allPermissions
                     .Where(p => input.SelectedPermissions.Contains(p.Name)).ToArray();
    await _roleManager.SetGrantedPermissionsAsync(itm, grantedPermissions);

    SetGrantedPermissionsAsync update all permission related to current subsystem and clear those subsystem that are not included in allPermission?!