How to add another dbcontext in the the application? The steps I followed:
I have added a new connectionstring in the config file with name='con2'.
Created dbcontext similar to existing one inheriting AbpDbContext and passed connection string name here in constructor
public Con2Context()
: base("con2")
But Preinitialize() method calls only con1.
Configuration.DefaultNameOrConnectionString = "con1";
where do I configure con2 connnection?
Right now, it is ignoring con2 and using con1 only for Con2Context.
Please help!
16 Answer(s)
Since this topic is asked by also other people, I decided to prepare a simple running application.
Download it from here: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ter/Others</a>I created 2 different DbContext and 2 different migrations in same project.
See migration command reference: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... reference/</a>I added a new connection string named 'Second':
Then Added second db context:
public class MySecondDbContext : AbpDbContext { public virtual IDbSet Courses { get; set; } public MySecondDbContext() : base("Second") { } }
Then enabled migrations:
Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory "MigrationsSecond" -ContextTypeName "MySecondDbContext"
When using add-migration and update database, we use configuration type name, like:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.MigrationsSecond.Configuration"
An application services both dbcontext (over 2 repositories):
public class TestAppService : MultipleDbContextDemoAppServiceBase, ITestAppService { private readonly IRepository _persons; private readonly IRepository _courseRepository; public TestAppService(IRepository persons, IRepository courseRepository) { _persons = persons; _courseRepository = courseRepository; } public List GetFromFirstDb() { var peopleNames = _persons.GetAllList().Select(p => p.PersonName).ToList(); return peopleNames; } public List GetFromSecondDb() { var courseNames = _courseRepository.GetAllList().Select(p => p.CourseName).ToList(); return courseNames; } public List GetFromBothDbs() { List names = new List(); var peopleNames = _persons.GetAllList().Select(p => p.PersonName).ToList(); names.AddRange(peopleNames); var courseNames = _courseRepository.GetAllList().Select(p => p.CourseName).ToList(); names.AddRange(courseNames); return names; } }
Note that: GetFromBothDbs() may not work. You should start Distributed Transaction Coordinator windows service..
For details, see source codes. After downloading solution, first create 2 databases using following commands:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.Migrations.Configuration"
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.MigrationsSecond.Configuration"
I hope this help you.
Wow, nice =)
I will check this later.
It works only for EF or does too for NH ?Thanks
very very good~thanks hikalkan!
This is for EF, not NH.
<cite>hikalkan: </cite>
Hi,This is for EF, not NH.
Ohhh, :| thats ok.
I will try to make one to work with NH following your help on my topic.Thanks again.
Thanks, It worked.
The mistake was this code:
/* NOTE: This constructor is used by ABP to pass connection string */
public Con2DbContext(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString) { }
When I removed this line after seeing your worked.Thanks again.
Hi, I am back trying to resolve my issue on this.
I want to make some changes so I can use that on NHibernate.
I just need to make the changes you did on EntityFrameworkGenericRepositoryRegistrar on the NhRepositoryInstaller ?thanks
Yes, while I haven't thought too much, it seems like that. The problem is: when you inject IRepository<Person> how can we know which session (database connection) will be used. I solved it for EF but not thought much for NH yet.
Hello Hikalkan
I am still trying to figure out how to do this, I found this article from Fabio Maulo but I can't figure how to implement this on your ABP framework.
I am still very new to DI (using castle) and NHibernate.If its not too much to ask, can you have a look e share some ideas ?
Have you written any code? If so, you can share with us, so I can check it, maybe fix it.
Yes, I did some but not according that last article.
I made changes on AbpNHibernateModule.cs, AbpNHibernateConfigurationExtensions.cs and NhRepositoryInstaller.cs.
I will adapt it and post here.
edit: the article
[]) -
I followed your steps and everything is working great, but the only problem is how to create a repository class for an entity from the second dbContext.
The repository class inherits from RepositroyBase<entity> and the constructor takes any class that inherts AbpDbContext class.
what i need now is to use Context property on my repository and see its own IDbSet<Entity>.
There is a base repository class which accepts also a DbContext type. Example:
public class MyEntityRepository : EfRepositoryBase, IMyEntityRepository { public MyModuleRepositoryBase(IDbContextProvider dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider) { } }
<cite>hikalkan: </cite>
Hi,Since this topic is asked by also other people, I decided to prepare a simple running application.
Download it from here: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ter/Others</a>I created 2 different DbContext and 2 different migrations in same project.
See migration command reference: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... reference/</a>I added a new connection string named 'Second':
Then Added second db context:
public class MySecondDbContext : AbpDbContext { public virtual IDbSet Courses { get; set; } public MySecondDbContext() : base("Second") { } }
Then enabled migrations:
Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory "MigrationsSecond" -ContextTypeName "MySecondDbContext"
When using add-migration and update database, we use configuration type name, like:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.MigrationsSecond.Configuration"
An application services both dbcontext (over 2 repositories):
public class TestAppService : MultipleDbContextDemoAppServiceBase, ITestAppService { private readonly IRepository _persons; private readonly IRepository _courseRepository; public TestAppService(IRepository persons, IRepository courseRepository) { _persons = persons; _courseRepository = courseRepository; } public List GetFromFirstDb() { var peopleNames = _persons.GetAllList().Select(p => p.PersonName).ToList(); return peopleNames; } public List GetFromSecondDb() { var courseNames = _courseRepository.GetAllList().Select(p => p.CourseName).ToList(); return courseNames; } public List GetFromBothDbs() { List names = new List(); var peopleNames = _persons.GetAllList().Select(p => p.PersonName).ToList(); names.AddRange(peopleNames); var courseNames = _courseRepository.GetAllList().Select(p => p.CourseName).ToList(); names.AddRange(courseNames); return names; } }
Note that: GetFromBothDbs() may not work. You should start Distributed Transaction Coordinator windows service..
For details, see source codes. After downloading solution, first create 2 databases using following commands:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.Migrations.Configuration"
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.MigrationsSecond.Configuration"
I hope this help you.
Hello Halil
I was reading about unit of work and How aspnetboilerplate automatically start a transaction on calling any Application Service method here
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-Of-Work</a>
Do you mean that Starting the MSDTC on the server will fix the issues regarding starting Two transaction ?
Dose aspnetboilerplate unit of work deal with this scenarios where multi tenant application should use different database for each tenant ?
Please help because I am new to aspnetboilerplate and I also should use Single Application/Multi Database approach.My scenario is Single Deployment - Multiple Database in the below link I just want to make sure that aspnetboilerplate work with Single Deployment - Multiple Database or How I should implement my Application Service classes in order to get aspnetboilerplate works with Single Deployment - Multiple Database
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ti-Tenancy</a>Thank you
<cite>mhdbaz: </cite>
<cite>hikalkan: </cite>
Hi,Since this topic is asked by also other people, I decided to prepare a simple running application.
Download it from here: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ter/Others</a>I created 2 different DbContext and 2 different migrations in same project.
See migration command reference: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... reference/</a>I added a new connection string named 'Second':
Then Added second db context:
public class MySecondDbContext : AbpDbContext { public virtual IDbSet Courses { get; set; } public MySecondDbContext() : base("Second") { } }
Then enabled migrations:
Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory "MigrationsSecond" -ContextTypeName "MySecondDbContext"
When using add-migration and update database, we use configuration type name, like:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.MigrationsSecond.Configuration"
An application services both dbcontext (over 2 repositories):
public class TestAppService : MultipleDbContextDemoAppServiceBase, ITestAppService { private readonly IRepository _persons; private readonly IRepository _courseRepository; public TestAppService(IRepository persons, IRepository courseRepository) { _persons = persons; _courseRepository = courseRepository; } public List GetFromFirstDb() { var peopleNames = _persons.GetAllList().Select(p => p.PersonName).ToList(); return peopleNames; } public List GetFromSecondDb() { var courseNames = _courseRepository.GetAllList().Select(p => p.CourseName).ToList(); return courseNames; } public List GetFromBothDbs() { List names = new List(); var peopleNames = _persons.GetAllList().Select(p => p.PersonName).ToList(); names.AddRange(peopleNames); var courseNames = _courseRepository.GetAllList().Select(p => p.CourseName).ToList(); names.AddRange(courseNames); return names; } }
Note that: GetFromBothDbs() may not work. You should start Distributed Transaction Coordinator windows service..
For details, see source codes. After downloading solution, first create 2 databases using following commands:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.Migrations.Configuration"
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "MultipleDbContextDemo.MigrationsSecond.Configuration"
I hope this help you.
Hello Halil
I was reading about unit of work and How aspnetboilerplate automatically start a transaction on calling any Application Service method here
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-Of-Work</a>
Do you mean that Starting the MSDTC on the server will fix the issues regarding starting Two transaction ?
Dose aspnetboilerplate unit of work deal with this scenarios where multi tenant application should use different database for each tenant ?
Please help because I am new to aspnetboilerplate and I also should use Single Application/Multi Database approach.My scenario is Single Deployment - Multiple Database in the below link I just want to make sure that aspnetboilerplate work with Single Deployment - Multiple Database or How I should implement my Application Service classes in order to get aspnetboilerplate works with Single Deployment - Multiple Database
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ti-Tenancy</a>Thank you
I have same problem too.please help me about how to have single development with multi database? (Each database is for some features of my application)
We are working for "single deployment multiple database", or "database per tenant" architecture (in this branch: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... per-tenant</a>). It will be finished and published soon. Currently, ABP itself is not ready to this architecture.