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Very bad performance for Abp ASP.NET Core #1730

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mhdbaz created

today I tried the Abp for .NET core I copied the same code for from my old project I run the project the difference in calling the APIs was like this

MVC 5.x was 30 milliseconds

ASP.NET Core was 735 milliseconds

Which is very bad performance of course. and I advice all the developers to try the Abp core before starting any project.

Hope in the future it will be fixed.

1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    Thank you for reporting this. Until now, I could not see any slowness of our AspNet Core integration, but I haven't a benchmark of it.

    MVC 5.x was 30 milliseconds
    ASP.NET Core was 735 milliseconds

    This is a huge difference and not acceptable. But please be sure of that. For example;

    • You should share how you test it?

    • You should share how many times have you test it and what is AVG of these tests.

    • How much of that goes in the database operations. Are you testing in same conditions (as you know, even same query may run in different times). It's better to test it without a db operation to see ABP's overhead.

    • Have you tested it in a browser or you did write a tool for automatic sending requests?

    We will try it but please you test it carefully and share detailed statistics. If that was a one time case or related to your environment conditions, you may lead people to wrong direction.

    In general, we are expecting AspNet Core integration would be faster because of ASP.NET Core's own enhancements and ABP's better integration with it.