I've created a unit test for creating a device object with a DeviceName, Site, and IsTraining bit. AutoMapper is throwing out the following error in the test. I'm not sure why my DTO and Domain object aren't able to map properly.
Result Message: AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException : Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.
Mapping types: DeviceEditDto -> Device MCMT.PatientCareReporting.Devices.Dto.DeviceEditDto -> MCMT.PatientCareReporting.Devices.Device
My test looks like so:
public class DeviceAppService_Create_Tests : DeviceAppServiceTestBase
public async Task Should_Create_Device()
await CreateDeviceAndTestAsync("TESTDEVICE", "Rochester", false);
await CreateDeviceAndTestAsync("R5001011", "Austin", true);
private async Task CreateDeviceAndTestAsync(string deviceName, string site, bool isTraining)
await DeviceAppService.CreateOrUpdateDevice(
new CreateOrUpdateDeviceInput
Device = new DeviceEditDto
DeviceName = deviceName,
Site = site,
IsTraining = isTraining
UsingDbContext(async context =>
//Get created device
var createdDevice = await context.Devices.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.DeviceName == "TESTDEVICE");
//Check some properties
My domain object is as follows:
public class Device : FullAuditedEntity
public const int MaxDeviceNameLength = 10;
public const int MaxSiteLength = 32;
public virtual string DeviceName { get; set; }
public virtual string Site { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsTraining { get; set; }
and the DTO object looks like so:
public class DeviceEditDto : IValidate
/// <summary>
/// Set null to create a new device. Set device's Id to update a device
/// </summary>
public long? Id { get; set; }
public string DeviceName { get; set; }
public string Site { get; set; }
public bool IsTraining { get; set; }
Any thoughts I what I might have wired together incorrectly?
1 Answer(s)
As I see, you haven't defined mapping between DTO and Entity.
You can simply do it by adding an attribute to DTO class like below:
See other DTOs in the application, they have mappings.
Also, I advice to check AutoMapper's documentation to have a deep understanding of object-to-object mapping.
Have a nice day :)