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Separate DB Contexts #1793

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rafalhc created


I want to have two separate DB Contexts. One for write side and second (read only) for read side.

Additionally I need to have ability to set different isolation levels for both and not to use distributed transactions.

What is the best way to do that?

1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    You can have 2 dbcontextes. But there may be some problems. For example;

    Transactions are not per dbcontext, but per unit of work (UOW - <a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-Of-Work</a>). Because in a UOW, you can use both dbcontextes and all operations will be transactional. There is not a system that restricts you to only use single dbcontext in a request or separate transaction per dbcontext. Only option can be inheriting from EfUnitOfWork and implement it yourself (check for dbcontext types and begin transaction based on it's type).

    Another option; You can add [UnitOfWork(IsolationLevel...)] attribute to your app service or/and controller methods to control it.