I have enjoyed and learned a lot using this framework for my work and I really appreciate the effort made into this project to make DDD approach easy.
I have an application to demo by next week for which I want to use this Angular.ui.grid to display data as it is being used in aspnetzero.com. But when I installed the extension via nuget.org into my application and used sample to use it, it crashes the entire application. I don't know if it's something I am not doing right or something else. But when I uninstalled it, my application returned to normal.
Please I will be so happy if someone can give me a guide or sample that works as it does in aspnetzero.com (pagination, ngTouch, sorting etc) so I can transform my datatable that are just mere html tables.
Please I need a solution as soon as possible. Many thanks.
5 Answer(s)
Actually, this is an independent case from ABP. But as we are successfully using ui-grid, I can say it's working properly. How did you added it to your application? Have you addes css/js files and module dependency? What error are you getting?
Thanks for your response.
Actually I didn't get any error on the screen. But what I noticed was after I added the extension and applied it on a view that has data to be displayed, all views on the application where not displaying any form element, just the layout view only including the page I tried to implement the ui-grid.
I added the extension from nuget directly on visual studio. So I assume, it added all the required files supported.
Check also browser's console for error logs. Also, please share the steps you did for implementing. It should be like that:
- Download library from somewhere (nuget, bower etc)
- Add css & js files to layout
- add module dependency to your angular app
Then you can add code to view and controllers. Please share all steps and code you did write.
My apologies for responding now. I didn't get a notification for he last response until I decided to check here. I installed it according to the steps you gave. But it appears like I am missing the implementation and it's frustrating. Please could you provide a sample you used for aspnetzero so I can follow? It will really help me a lot and ease my pain.
Many thanks.
<cite>hikalkan: </cite> Check also browser's console for error logs. Also, please share the steps you did for implementing. It should be like that:
- Download library from somewhere (nuget, bower etc)
- Add css & js files to layout
- add module dependency to your angular app
Then you can add code to view and controllers. Please share all steps and code you did write.
Hi Hikalkan,
I will be great if such example is part of PhoneBook Step-by-Step Development. This is quite a common user interface/experience for Form Design Layout.
Really look forward to the documentation improvement.
Thanks. /Tommy