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Extend AbpConcepts in DbContext #2150

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chrisk created


I really like idea Abp implementation of certain concepts like IMustHaveTenant. I'm trying to implement something similar. I have created IMustHaveSourceAccount interface and I want to implement logic that will always validate if entity that implements IMustHaveSourceAccount has SourceAccountId property set.

What I got so far is:

protected override void ApplyAbpConcepts() { //Apply our concepts first


    protected virtual void ApplyOrdersConnectorConcepts()
        var entries = ChangeTracker.Entries().ToList();
        foreach (var entry in entries)
            switch (entry.State)
                case EntityState.Added:


    protected virtual void CheckMustHaveSourceAccountIdProperty(object entityAsObj)
        if (!(entityAsObj is IMustHaveSourceAccount))

        var entity = entityAsObj.As<IMustHaveSourceAccount>();
        if (entity.SourceAccountId == 0)
            throw new AbpException("Can not set SourceAccountId to 0 for IMustHaveSourceAccount entities!");

My debugging indicates that there is problem when checking if entity is derived from IMustHaveSourceAccount. I got migrations code with seed data that is inserting few records including entities that derive from IMustHaveSourceAccount and deliberately set SourceAccountId = 0 which should throw exception.

Even when I changed method to throw exception if entity implements my interface nothing happens: protected virtual void CheckMustHaveSourceAccountIdProperty(object entityAsObj) { if (!(entityAsObj is IMustHaveSourceAccount)) { return; } throw new AbpException("Can not set SourceAccountId to 0 for IMustHaveSourceAccount entities!"); }

Throwing exception before If block works so my method is getting called. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

1 Answer(s)
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    chrisk created


    I found where the problem was, which was very silly btw.

    I was passing EntityEntry object instead of actual entity. CheckMustHaveSourceAccountIdProperty(entry);

    Should be like this CheckMustHaveSourceAccountIdProperty(entry.Entity);