bvz created
I am writing unit tests for Abp, and I have a class that inherits from Abp.TestBase.AbpIntegratedTestBase.
When I run this code:
var current = LocalIocManager.IocContainer.Resolve<IAbpSession>();
It resolves to a session of type:
I did not register this in Castle, so I am guessing that AbpIntegratedTestBase is doing this registration. How can I override this with my own session for testing purposes, so that I can set the logged in user Id for testing?
Thank you for your time and effort!
1 Answer(s)
TestAbpSession has setter. You can do it:
Resolve<TestAbpSession>().UserId = 42;
If you want to override it, you can override PreInitialize method in your test class and register it using LocalIocManager.Register...