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Subscriptions not working #2321

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paradoxit created

I am trying to test notifications and noticed that I only receive notifications if I call this method when I send a notification;

await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeToAllAvailableNotificationsAsync(new UserIdentifier(1,4));

Then I can call below code and it works

await _appNotifier.SendMessageAsync(new UserIdentifier(1, 4), "Test", NotificationSeverity.Success);

Also it works if before I send the notification I manually subscribe using

_notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(new UserIdentifier(1, 4), "App.SimpleMessage");

I made sure in my database that I have an AbpNotificationSubscriptions for UserId 4 for App.SimpleMessage.

It's like the notification subscriptions in the database are not doing anything.

How can I make the notification work without having to subscribe to all, am I missing something important?

Thanks, David

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    paradoxit created

    This appears to have been an ABP bug, I upgraded my nuget packages and sending notifications to users that had subscribed then work.