For dev only, how do I speed up Angular 2 compilation? Currently it's taking 20-30 seconds to refresh any changes.
In dev I don't really care about compressing the content or running lints.
Any advice would be great!
Thanks, David
3 Answer(s)
While developing Angular2 version, this helped us <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.
Thanks, we tried this but not much of a performance gain.
On average compiles are 30s long, how long is this taking for other people? What can be done to get this down?
First build is also slow for me but rebuilds take most of the time under 10 seconds. According to some comments on angular-cli's issues, latest versions (v1.0.0-beta.28 and above) made some improvements on performance but we didn't try this yet. You can give it a try but upgrading angular-cli might bring some other problems.