Is there a guide to demonstrate how to use ExternalAuthenticate in token authentication? As we know, aspnet zero develop document provide a description how to use the token based authentication, is there also a guide tell us how to use external authenticate method in the same controller?
5 Answer(s)
Sorry, I didn't understand it very well, can you explain your real life scenario ?
Current token based authentication use the Authenticate action in TokenAuthenticateController, I find there is also a method name ExternalAuthenticate, it also return access token, How to use this action in the controller?
This method is used to authanticate user from an external source like Facebook, Twitter etc. It is only used for that purpose, You can add a new external source and use it for that.
Is that only for token based authentication? If I can test it via Postman? Or, it only could be invoked from external login, I understand the external web login in a browser, but no idea how to use external login via API and token authentication.
Look forward to show a sample.
You cannot use it outside the browser.