i have created angular 2 +asp.net core project, and created a new NG2 component, i'm trying to include one of metronic jquery components in the NG2 component with no luck, i have done the following:
- added the component through npm: npm install easy-pie-chart --save
- in the component.ts added: import * as $ from 'jquery'; import 'easy-pie-chart';
- inside ngAfterViewInit added: $('.easy-pie-chart .number.transactions').easyPieChart({ animate: 1000, size: 75, lineWidth: 3, barColor: App.getBrandColor('yellow') });
im getting many errors and unable to complete it at all, please help
9 Answer(s)
Can you share the screenshot of errors ?
after adding "declare var $: any" to the .ts file to bypass typescript, i'm getting the below error:
<a class="postlink" href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnwlymjvqbsgd9o/Capture.JPG?dl=0">https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnwlymjvqbsgd ... e.JPG?dl=0</a>
please help
Have you added easy-pie-chart script to angular-cli.json ?
Yes, i have added it under "scripts": section like this:
and still getting the same error.
please help.
is there a some guide how to include metronic components (since most of it is based on jquery) or any jquery components in general in aspnet zero client project ? i see there is many coomponents are already used like jTable but can't find out the steps to do that.
problem solved after killing the NG process in terminal and running npm start again.
Thank you very much, however there are some questions arised now:
is it required to use "declare var $: any" or no ? i noticed after commenting it the application still works, even TS is compiling normally
adding the file manually to .angular-cli.json is the way when the plugin is not available on NPM catalog, right ?
Thank you again, your support is highly appreciated.
Hi @malomatia,
I think "declare var $: any" is not necessary. We declare such typings in this file <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/dev/angular/src/typings.d.ts">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-ze ... pings.d.ts</a> for the libraries which don't have typing files.
For example we defined slimscroll typing like this
interface JQuery { slimScroll(...any): any; }
Yes, you need to include script paths to .angular-cli.json even if they exist in npm.
Thanks a lot (Y)
You are welcome :)