What is the correct configuration for supporting wildcard sub domain multi tenant
when configured as: "CorsOrigins": ...,http://www.xxxx.com/,http://abc.xxxx.com/,http://qwe.xxxx.com/"
it works for the "www" as well as "abc" and "qwe" subdomains, I would like to replace: ",http://abc.xxxx.com/,http://qwe.xxxx.com/" with: "http://*.xxxx.com/"
Also changing the CorsOrigin in the appsettings.json file does not take affect until I restart the IIS (azure websites) Is there a way to have these changes take affect without the restart?
2 Answer(s)
Allowing all subdomains with a setting like *.mydomain.com is something we want to do but we couldn't manage to do it at the moment. We want to do it for next release of AspNet Zero.
Also changing the CorsOrigin in the appsettings.json file does not take affect until I restart the IIS (azure websites) Is there a way to have these changes take affect without the restart?
This is also not possible because ASP.NET Core works in this way.
Thanks, looking forward to the wildcard support in future relesaes