Very weird issue I am having with my Angular2 Core version. I am on 4.0.0 and in my service I have a very simple service to get a list from the database. There are only 4 items in the database with Ids of 1,2,3,4.
What I get back in the list is entity Id 1, 1 and 3, 3. So it is bringing back 4 items as it should but it is duplicating Id 1 and 3 and not giving me 2 and 4.
Below is my simple service. I haven't had this issue before version 4.0.0.
public async Task<ListResultDto<ClaimListDto>> OpenClaims()
var claim = await _claimRepository.GetAllListAsync();
return new ListResultDto<ClaimListDto>(ObjectMapper.Map<List<ClaimListDto>>(claim));
9 Answer(s)
Is this line returns duplicate Ids ?
await _claimRepository.GetAllListAsync()
If so, can you share your entity class and data in the database ? I will try to reproduce it.
Yes that is the line causing the issue.
I can't send the data from the database as it has sensitive data. But below is the entity.
public class Claim : IEntity<long> { [Key] [Column(Order = 0)] public long Id { get; set; } [Key] [Column(Order = 1, TypeName = "date")] public DateTime FileDate { get; set; } [StringLength(150)] public string EdiFileName { get; set; } [Column(TypeName = "date")] public DateTime? LoadDate { get; set; } [StringLength(25)] public string PaymentAmount { get; set; } [StringLength(60)] public string PayerID { get; set; } [StringLength(70)] public string PayerName { get; set; } [StringLength(60)] public string PayeeId { get; set; } }
Can you change your entity definition from
public class Claim : IEntity<long>
public class Claim : Entity<long>
and try it again ?
Unfortunately that did not work.
Does this have something to do with Entity Framework Core? This didn't happen until I upgraded to 4.0
I am using the .NET Framework 4.6.1 version not the .NET Core 1.1 version.
Lastly, can you check the executing SQL query using SQL profiler ? If you cannot find the problem with that, we can try to help you using TeamViewer or any other tool remotely.
I PM you.
I have read your PM, it is a strange thing really :). Can you send your project to us via email ? I think we will move faster in that way. If possible, please send your db with data or at least your db's schema as well.
I finally figured it out. At least this specific issue. Since these tables were already there I auto generated the classes from the database in a different project and then copied pasted them into the site. For some reason it created a key for both the Id and FileDate. So it was lumping those items together. I didn't even notice that. That is why they were duplicated. As soon as I commented it out like below it worked.
modelBuilder.Entity<Claimpayment>() .HasKey(e => e.Id); //modelBuilder.Entity<Claimpayment>() // .HasKey(e => e.FileDate);
Thanks for the feedback @joe704la :).