I have a specific scenario that requires me to force a subscription back to free/standard.
Example: users has paid monthly subscription however based on specific rule I want to force it to free so that they resubscribe pay again To upgrade subscription to paid again.
Can your recommend best approach
4 Answer(s)
There is an option at create/edit edition page that named "What will done after subscription expiry?". If you choose "Assign to another edition" and select an edition to assign, then after expiry it atomatically assigned to edition that is selected.
I get the revert back option.
The question relates to how can I in code force the expiration.
Example: I want to use code to expire it half way through the month due some custom business rules.
You can use the class SubscriptionExpirationCheckWorker. The method DoWork() runs every hour. So you can implement your own custom rule to revert back to free/standard edition in the DoWork method.
Note: Aspnet Zero checks expiration date in the same class as well.
Love your work! thank you.