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Using Teamcity to create nuget package for octopus deploy #3771

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strix20 created

I am currently using the ASP.NET Core & jQuery version of asp.netzero and having trouble figuring out what the proper teamcity build steps should be to create a nuget package that I will then use to deploy using octopus. With my current configuration I install a nuget feed that the solution requires, do a dotnet restore, build the solution using visual studio, run tests, and then run a nuget pack. When I run the nuget pack my build fails because: "Unable to find 'C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\c04235ef53f2bb5a\src\Strix.Customs.Web.Mvc\bin\Release\net462\Strix.Customs.Web.Mvc.exe'. Make sure the project has been built."

Does anyone know what my build steps should look like here?

1 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team

    check that project is successfully being built on Release mode and try to publish the website to see if everyting goes well.