fguo created
I used AbpAuthorize notation to add an AppPermissions on a service. When I tried it with Swagger or Postman, it returns "404 Not Found" error, instead of "403 Forbidden". Did I miss something?
I prefer to get 403 error while the user's request is not permitted. Is that possible or easy to set?
Thanks, p.s. I am using Core + Angular version 4.4.0
2 Answer(s)
can you share the codes?
It is not the issue on my code only. You may try built-in APIs (e.g. /api/services/app/DemoUiComponents/GetCountries) on swagger UI or Postman. You may always see Response Code of 404.
In this scenario, it should throw out a 403 code, because I don't pass the authentication, I think.