Hi! I have an integration entity, which have many integration step entities. The steps also have links to other steps in the same integration.
Integration1 || \ Step1 = Step2
I can not figure out how to get the cascade deletion working when I delete an integration? The integration is deleted, but not the integration steps. How can I solve this?
6 Answer(s)
Are those entities soft-deleted? If so, you need to cascade soft deletes yourself.
The integration entity gets soft deleted, but not the steps (they are untouched). Aren't cascading of soft deletion implemented in Boilerplate?
Nope. AFAIK there's no direct way to discover cascade relationships. Also, the purpose of cascading is for data integrity when hard-deleting. Since soft-deleted data is still there, not everyone may want to cascade that delete. So it's more reasonable to do this explicitly. Related issue: https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/1992
So, basically I have to do this:
public class MyDbContext : AbpZeroDbContext<Tenant, Role, User, MyDbContext>, IAbpPersistedGrantDbContext { ... public override int SaveChanges() { var deletedIntegrations = ChangeTracker.Entries<Integration>() .Where(j => j.State == EntityState.Deleted) .Select(e => e.Entity) .ToArray(); foreach (var deletedIntegration in deletedIntegrations) { IntegrationSteps.Remove(e => e.IntegrationId == deletedIntegration.Id); } return base.SaveChanges(); } }
Any suggestions on how to do this more maintainable?
Define an event handler:
public class IntegrationDeletingCascader : IEventHandler<EntityDeletingEventData<Integration>>, ITransientDependency { private readonly IRepository<IntegrationStep> _integrationStepRepository; public IntegrationDeletingCascader(IRepository<IntegrationStep> integrationStepRepository) { _integrationStepRepository = integrationStepRepository; } [UnitOfWork] public virtual void HandleEvent(EntityDeletingEventData<Integration> eventData) { var deletedIntegration = eventData.Entity; _integrationStepRepository.Delete(e => e.IntegrationId == deletedIntegration.Id); } }
Ah, nice! Thank you for your help! :)