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Cascade deletion not working? #4021

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DennisAhlin created

Hi! I have an integration entity, which have many integration step entities. The steps also have links to other steps in the same integration.


Integration1 || \ Step1 = Step2

I can not figure out how to get the cascade deletion working when I delete an integration? The integration is deleted, but not the integration steps. How can I solve this?

6 Answer(s)
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    aaron created
    Support Team

    Are those entities soft-deleted? If so, you need to cascade soft deletes yourself.

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    DennisAhlin created

    The integration entity gets soft deleted, but not the steps (they are untouched). Aren't cascading of soft deletion implemented in Boilerplate?

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    Nope. AFAIK there's no direct way to discover cascade relationships. Also, the purpose of cascading is for data integrity when hard-deleting. Since soft-deleted data is still there, not everyone may want to cascade that delete. So it's more reasonable to do this explicitly. Related issue:

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    DennisAhlin created

    So, basically I have to do this:

    public class MyDbContext : AbpZeroDbContext<Tenant, Role, User, MyDbContext>, IAbpPersistedGrantDbContext
        public override int SaveChanges()
            var deletedIntegrations = ChangeTracker.Entries<Integration>()
                .Where(j => j.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                .Select(e => e.Entity)
            foreach (var deletedIntegration in deletedIntegrations)
                IntegrationSteps.Remove(e => e.IntegrationId == deletedIntegration.Id);
            return base.SaveChanges();

    Any suggestions on how to do this more maintainable?

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    Define an event handler:

    public class IntegrationDeletingCascader : IEventHandler<EntityDeletingEventData<Integration>>, ITransientDependency
        private readonly IRepository<IntegrationStep> _integrationStepRepository;
        public IntegrationDeletingCascader(IRepository<IntegrationStep> integrationStepRepository)
            _integrationStepRepository = integrationStepRepository;
        public virtual void HandleEvent(EntityDeletingEventData<Integration> eventData)
            var deletedIntegration = eventData.Entity;
            _integrationStepRepository.Delete(e => e.IntegrationId == deletedIntegration.Id);
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    DennisAhlin created

    Ah, nice! Thank you for your help! :)