Hello team,
I have created a simple revision tracking for my entity. Whenever this type of entity is created, updated, or deleted, i will store a snapshot of the new values into a mirror of that entity table. When I create a new entity, the first time is successful. However, the second time I create the entity, I get an internal server error. My application did not break on the exception throw, I had to go to the logs to check the error. Basically the error says
System.InvalidOperationException: The connection does not support MultipleActiveResultSets.
Not really sure why the connection is still open..
Basically I had 2 pieces of code:
public class SampleRevisionHandlers :
private readonly ISampleRevisionManager _sampleRevisionManager;
public SampleRevisionHandlers(
ISampleRevisionManager sampleRevisionManager)
_sampleRevisionManager = sampleRevisionManager;
public void HandleEvent(EntityCreatingEventData<Sample> eventData)
var sample = eventData.Entity;
_sampleRevisionManager.CreateNewSampleRevision(sample, "CREATE");
public void HandleEvent(EntityUpdatingEventData<Sample> eventData)
var sample = eventData.Entity;
_sampleRevisionManager.CreateNewSampleRevision(sample, "UPDATE");
public void HandleEvent(EntityDeletingEventData<Sample> eventData)
var sample = eventData.Entity;
_sampleRevisionManager.CreateNewSampleRevision(sample, "DELETE");
public class SampleRevisionManager : DomainService, ISampleRevisionManager
private readonly IRepository<SampleRevision, long> _sampleRevisionRepository;
public SampleRevisionManager(
IRepository<SampleRevision, long> sampleRevisionRepository)
_sampleRevisionRepository = sampleRevisionRepository;
public void CreateNewSampleRevision(Sample sample, string action)
var latestRevision = _sampleRevisionRepository.GetAll().OrderByDescending(e => e.Id).Where(e => e.SampleId == sample.Id).FirstOrDefault();
long? latestRevisionId = null;
if (latestRevision != null)
latestRevisionId = latestRevision.Id;
var sampleRevision = new SampleRevision(sample)
RevisionAction = action,
PreviousRevisionId = latestRevisionId
sampleRevision = _sampleRevisionRepository.Insert(sampleRevision);
Any ideas why it would keep the connection open??
Thank you
3 Answer(s)
I get this error too occasionally
Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. System.InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
I have a suspicion that its because my entity has a self referencing relationship... I think self referencing relationship doesn't play too well with domain events?
I have found the issue, its because I wasn't awaiting an async call.. sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for the feedback @soonjoo :)