Kelly created
I am using the Asp.Net Core & Angular template, and want to convert to an existing SQL Server 2017 database. The Database uses Sequences to generate the primary key. I noticed that if I change the AuditLogs table to use a Sequence Id (NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[AuditLogId]), I get a database concurrency exception. Are Sequences supported?
1 Answer(s)
I was able to resolve this by adding the following to OnModelCreating();
modelBuilder.Entity<AuditLog>() .ToTable("AuditLogs", "Application") .Property(x => x.Id) .HasDefaultValueSql("NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[AuditLogId]");
If anyone knows a better way to handle this, please comment. I have over 100 tables in this database, so this will get a little tedious.