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Adding a setting and making it available in the _layout.html #434

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john_kattenhorn created


I have the requirement to add a setting to enable on a per-tenant basis NewRelic DevOps integration. Part of this requires inserting a script into the layout page which I only want to insert if the setting is set in the Tenant Manager.

I think I've got most of the steps needed but I'm a little stuck as to how to make the settings manager available to the page in the same way as LocalisationManager is e.g. @L("")

Do I need to extend WebViewPageBase ? If so how could I inject the settings manager into it so I can do something like :

SettingManager.GetSettingValueForTenantAsync<bool>(AppSettings.DevOps.UseNewRelic, tenant.Id))

Any guidance would be most appreciated.

1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    You can add setting manager to your viewpagebase (It's name should be ProjectNameWebViewPageBase).

    public abstract class AbpZeroTemplateWebViewPageBase : AbpWebViewPage
            public ISettingManager SettingManager { get; set; }
            protected AbpZeroTemplateWebViewPageBase()
                LocalizationSourceName = AbpZeroTemplateConsts.LocalizationSourceName;
                SettingManager = IocManager.Instance.Resolve();

    Then you can use @SettingManager in all razor views.