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registration page: using email address for username #4439

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michaelm created

The registration UI allows an email address to be input for the username aslong as it equals the email address field.

This is problematic as the Maxusernamelength=32 and email max length =256??? The AbpUsers table has the same length restrictions.

Question: what kind of issues can we expect if we update the DB Username field to = nvarchar(256) and the registration page to allow username maxlength to 256

extract below"

namespace Abp.Authorization.Users // // Summary: // Maximum length of the Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserBase.UserName property. public const int MaxUserNameLength = 32; // // Summary: // Maximum length of the Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserBase.EmailAddress property. public const int MaxEmailAddressLength = 256;

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