I have configured entity history tracking in my module (where I created my own entities):
public class EPASSCoreModule : AbpModule { public override void PreInitialize() { //workaround for issue: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFrameworkCore/issues/9825">https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramewo ... ssues/9825</a> //related github issue: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFrameworkCore/issues/10407">https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramewo ... sues/10407</a> AppContext.SetSwitch("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Issue9825", true); Configuration.EntityHistory.IsEnabled = true; Configuration.Auditing.IsEnabledForAnonymousUsers = true; ../ }
I then changed a property of an entity through the ReST service and it successfully changed it in the database. However, I don't see any database entries in any of the following 3 tables:
[dbo].[AbpEntityChanges] [dbo].[AbpEntityChangeSets] [dbo].[AbpEntityPropertyChanges]
As an example, my entities are configured as follows:
namespace RightHire.EPASS.Model { [Table("Buildings")] public class Building : FullAuditedEntity {
public override int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Building_Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Building_Number { get; set; }
public virtual int? Location_City_State_Id { get; set; }
public virtual Location_City_State Location_City_State { get; set; } // Add this navigation property
public virtual bool Active_Indicator { get; set; }
public virtual string Facility_Number { get; set; }
public virtual string Facility_Name { get; set; }
public virtual bool Display_Global { get; set; }
What am I missing?
5 Answer(s)
No entities are automatically tracked by default. You should configure entities either by using the startup configuration or via attributes. Try adding [Audited] attribute to your entity.
[Audited] [Table("Buildings")] public class Building : FullAuditedEntity { [Column("Building_Id")] public override int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Building_Name { get; set; } public virtual string Building_Number { get; set; } [ForeignKey("Location_City_State")] public virtual int? Location_City_State_Id { get; set; } public virtual Location_City_State Location_City_State { get; set; } // Add this navigation property public virtual bool Active_Indicator { get; set; } public virtual string Facility_Number { get; set; } public virtual string Facility_Name { get; set; } public virtual bool Display_Global { get; set; } }
see <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Entity-History#enable-disable-by-attributes">https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Doc ... attributes</a>
I did configure it in my module. Please see the code I posted. However, it did not work.
The code you posted shows no configuration by selectors or attributes.
So, it’s not enough to to do the following?
Configuration.EntityHistory.IsEnabled = true;
I specified the above in th code I posted.
<cite>alper: </cite> No entities are automatically tracked by default. You should configure entities either by using the startup configuration (selectors) or via attributes.