Hi, I've just update to 5.3.0 Core/Angular. Previously, to obtain User Roles I did:
var userProfile = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(id); await _userManager.AbpStore.UserRepository.EnsureCollectionLoadedAsync(userProfile, u => u.Roles); var roleId = userProfile.Roles.FirstOrDefault()?.RoleId;
Now AbpStore isn't accessibile due to protection level. How Can I get the RoleId, starting from a User ?
8 Answer(s)
That was rather verbose anyway. Go with encapsulation:
public class UserManager : AbpUserManager<Role, User> { // ... public Task EnsureRolesLoadedAsync(User user) { return AbpStore.UserRepository.EnsureCollectionLoadedAsync(user, u => u.Roles); } }
var userProfile = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(id); await _userManager.EnsureRolesLoadedAsync(userProfile); var roleId = userProfile.Roles.FirstOrDefault()?.RoleId;
Ok , but this requires a change to your code that I prefer don't touch if possible. We are developing new feature through plugins.
No other way?
"a change to your code"?
Either way you have to modify UserManager, which is in your .Core project. You can re-expose AbpStore and keep your code, but this is pretty backward:
public class UserManager : AbpUserManager<Role, User> { public new AbpUserStore<Role, User> AbpStore => base.AbpStore; // ... }
Yes you are right but What I mean is that when you release a new version I need only replace the donwloaded template code with the new one (as I've done succesfully many times). If I begin to modify the template downloaded, the process is more dangerous because I can lost my changes.
I have to care about only to my plugins and adeguate those to the new improovements. In this case instead there is a breaking change.
I hope now is clear the purpose of my question.
Thank you
You can make such changes safely. How to migrate existing solution: https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/96#issuecomment-268093697
If you really don't want to modify UserManager, you can inject and use IRepository<UserRole, long>:
var roleId = await userRoleRepository.GetAll() .Where(ur => ur.UserId == id) .Select(ur => ur.RoleId) .FirstOrDefaultAsync();
If you only need the first RoleId, this has the performance benefit of not loading the entire Roles collection.
Good. Now I have a range of possibilities.
Ok Thank you @aaron.
thank you @aaron ;)
That's great :)