I am using ASP.NET Core v5.3 jQuery.
I am trying to extend the OrganizationUnit entity to include a boolean called IsOrganizer. I followed the Non-Abstract part of the Extending Entities tutorial to the best of my ability, but ultimately I couldn't follow it for various reasons (not applicable to OrganizationUnit, seems old or for angular version, etc).
So, does anyone have any guidance?
The things I did so far:
Created a new class called ExtendedOrganizationUnit (for lack of a better name) that inherits from OrganizationUnit
Added the new DbSet for ExtendedOrganizationUnit to the DbContext.
Added the added a migration
Updated the database (saw the change successfully)
Edited the OrganizationUnitDto to include my IsOrganizer boolean.
Edited the CreateOrganizationUnitInput to include my IsOrganizer boolean
Edited the UpdateOrganizationUnitInput to include my IsOrganizer boolean
I added a check-box input control to the _CreateModal and _EditModals
Now, I know I need to do something with the CreateOrganizationUnit and UpdateOrganizationUnit methods of the OrganizationUnitAppService. I'm not sure if I need to do anything to the GetOrganizationUnits method.
I think I also need to do something with the following:
- CustomDtoMapper, but I'm not sure what to add / remove.
- EditOrganizationUnitModalViewModel - I need to add the IsOrganizer bool and an AutoMapFrom setting.
- OrganizationUnitsController - I think I need to case the OrganizationUnit to my custom variant.
What am I missing? Is there anything that I DIDN'T need to change?
7 Answer(s)
You need to add IsOrganizer property to CreateOrganizationUnitInput, OrganizationUnitDto, EditOrganizationUnitModalViewModel classes. You need to create a new mapping (in CustomDtoMapper) for ExtendedOrganizationUnit class like below
configuration.CreateMap<ExtendedOrganizationUnit , OrganizationUnitDto>().ReverseMap();
Change automap attribute to be mapped from ExtendedOrganizationUnit
[AutoMapFrom(typeof(ExtendedOrganizationUnit ))] public class EditOrganizationUnitModalViewModel { public long? Id { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } public bool IsOrganizer {get;set;} }
In OrganizationUnitsController , change EditModal method to get from ExtendedOrganizationUnitRepository (you need to inject this repository)
//.... private readonly IRepository<OrganizationUnit, long> _extendedOrganizationUnitRepository; //.... public async Task<PartialViewResult> EditModal(long id) { //.... var organizationUnit = await _extendedOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAsync(id); //.... }
- No need to anything for GetOrganizationUnits method.
Great! Thanks for the detailed answer.
I am getting an error when trying to create a new OrganizationUnit with the _CreateModal.cshtml (with my added check-box)
The error says "Your request is not valid! The following errors were detected during validation. -"
Is there some javascript file that I need to change?
Turns out this is only a problem if the CheckBox is checked. If it is unchecked, the form saves correctly.
Alright, sorry for the large number of posts, but I got it to work. Turns out the checkbox was returning the value of "on/off" instead of "true/false" which threw everything off.
In my _CreateModal I added the 'value' attribute to the checkbox and set 'value="true"'. Setting the value to true doesn't set the checkbox to checked/unchecked, but I guess it triggers it to return true/false instead of on/off.
Then in my _EditModal, I added an @Html.EditorFor(x => x.IsOrganizer). Now the checkbox is properly checked and unchecked and returns the proper true/false value.
Hello! I have a problem when get all organization units.
My Custom class:
public class OrganizationUnitExtended: OrganizationUnit { public virtual int TipoUnidadOrganizacionalId { get; set; } [ForeignKey("TipoUnidadOrganizacionalId")] public virtual TipoUnidadOrganizacional TipoUnidadOrganizacionalFk { get; set; } public virtual int MunicipioId { get; set; } [ForeignKey("MunicipioId")] public virtual Municipio MunicipioFk { get; set; } }
Dto: the two fields are in the necessary dto.
public class OrganizationUnitDto : AuditedEntityDto<long> { public long? ParentId { get; set; } public string Code { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } public int MemberCount { get; set; } public int RoleCount { get; set; } public int TipoUnidadOrganizacionalId { get; set; } public int MunicipioId { get; set; } }
public virtual DbSet<OrganizationUnitExtended> OrganizationUnitsExtended { get; set; }
//OrganizationUnit configuration.CreateMap<OrganizationUnit, OrganizationUnitDto>(); configuration.CreateMap<OrganizationUnitExtended, OrganizationUnitDto>().ReverseMap();
private readonly IRepository<OrganizationUnitExtended, long> _lookup_organizationUnitExtendedRepository; public CommonLookupAppService( ... IRepository<OrganizationUnitExtended, long> lookup_organizationUnitExtendedRepository, ... ){ _lookup_organizationUnitExtendedRepository = lookup_organizationUnitExtendedRepository; .... }
Method: I want to get all organization units for the new field (TipoUnidadOrganizacional)
public async Task<PagedResultDto<OrganizationUnitLookupTableDto>> GetAllOrganizationUnitForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input) { long currentUserId = Convert.ToInt64(AbpSession.UserId); var query = (from uou in _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll() join ou in _lookup_organizationUnitExtendedRepository.GetAll() on uou.OrganizationUnitId equals ou.Id where uou.UserId == currentUserId && ou.TipoUnidadOrganizacionalId == (int)eTiposUnidadesOrganizacionales.Vitrina select ou); var totalCount = await query.CountAsync(); var organizationUnitList = await query .PageBy(input) .ToListAsync(); var lookupTableDtoList = new List<OrganizationUnitLookupTableDto>(); foreach (var organizationUnit in organizationUnitList) { lookupTableDtoList.Add(new OrganizationUnitLookupTableDto { Id = organizationUnit.Id, DisplayName = organizationUnit.DisplayName?.ToString() }); } return new PagedResultDto<OrganizationUnitLookupTableDto>( totalCount, lookupTableDtoList ); }
My error:
"Invalid column name 'Discriminator'.\r\nInvalid column name 'Discriminator'."
I need help! thanks!
I got it!
In the dbContext, in "OnModelCreatring" method i added:
modelBuilder.Entity<OrganizationUnit>(b => { b.Property<string>("Discriminator") .IsRequired(); b.ToTable("AbpOrganizationUnits"); b.HasDiscriminator<string>("Discriminator").HasValue("OrganizationUnit"); }); modelBuilder.Entity<OrganizationUnitExtended>(b => { b.HasBaseType("Abp.Organizations.OrganizationUnit"); b.Property<int>("MunicipioId"); b.Property<int>("TipoUnidadOrganizacionalId"); b.HasIndex("MunicipioId"); b.HasIndex("TipoUnidadOrganizacionalId"); b.ToTable("AbpOrganizationUnits"); b.HasDiscriminator().HasValue("OrganizationUnitExtended"); });