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How to integrate existing ASP.NET MVC web application #5002

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klken88 created


Please advice how can I integrate my existing ASP.NET MVC web application into ASP.NET Zero project? Do you have any tutorial or sample of doing that?

Thanks, Ken

1 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team


    • Use EntityFrameworkReversePOCOGenerator to create your entities from your existing database. Note: this tool doesn't support CORE. If you are on CORE, just make a .net 4.7 project to generate your code with T4s, then move the files manually.

    • Add-migration for the new entities.

    • Change your connection string to point a new empty database (because the existing one has already tables)

    • If there are tables you use for the same purposes with ABP Framework (like User, Role tables), you have to use ABP tables to authenticate users. Migrate those data to AbpUsers, AbpRoles, AbpSettings etc...

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