strategy9 created
In a View I have a foreach loop. I have the string name of a set of AppPermissions in a table. I want to iterate through the data (to fill a select list) by evaluating permissions.
How can I use a variable in the IsGranted statement like:
if (IsGranted(AppPermissions.variablename))...
I've tried a bunch of different options using razor formatting but haven't figured it out yet. Is it possible?
3 Answer(s)
I think isn't possible for dynamical items. If you have static items list then you can use hard codes in your razor
<select class="form-control" name="IsApprovedFilter" id="IsApprovedFilterId"> @if (IsGranted(Pages_Blogs_Comments)) { <option value="-1">@L("All")</option> <option value="1">@L("True")</option> } <option value="0">@L("False")</option> </select>
OR You can add new string array property to your entity
string[] RequiredPermissions {get; set;}
@if (IsGranted(AppPermissions.Pages_SomePermission)) { @foreach (var object in Model.YourObject.Where(e => e.RequiredPermissions.Contains("yourSomePermission"))) { @Html.Partial("_ObjectPartialView", object) } } @foreach (var object in Model.YourObject.Where(e => e.RequiredPermissions.Contains("yourOtherRequiredPermission"))) { @Html.Partial("_ObjectPartialView", object) }
you can filter the data in your controller/application service then give it to your view. and as @CsBeginner says you can use