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Install of ASP.NET Zero Power Tools was not successful #5118

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manojreddy created

I'm not able to install Power Tool version 1.5.0 in Visual Studio 15.6.6.

I'm getting the below error message.

Please find the logs below.

14-05-2018 12:14:16 - Microsoft VSIX Installer 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - ------------------------------------------- 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - vsixinstaller.exe version: 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - 15.6.152+ge95e4dd1ce 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - ------------------------------------------- 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - Command line parameters: 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Services\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Service\VSIXInstaller.exe,C:\Users\MyName\Downloads\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension (1).vsix 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - ------------------------------------------- 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - Microsoft VSIX Installer 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - ------------------------------------------- 14-05-2018 12:14:16 - Initializing Install... 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Extension Details... 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Identifier : AspNetZeroPowerTools.9906ae75-6ad5-42ef-b6fe-18e263dde53c 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Name : ASP.NET Zero Power Tools 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Author : Volosoft 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Version : 1.5.0 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Description : ASP.NET Zero Rapid Application Development tooling. 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Locale : en-US 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - MoreInfoURL : <a class="postlink" href=""></a> 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - InstalledByMSI : False 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5,) 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - SignatureState : Unsigned 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Supported Products : 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Version : [15.0] 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - References : 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - ------------------------------------------------------- 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Identifier : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.15.0 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Name : Visual Studio MPF 15.0 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Version : [15.0] 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - MoreInfoURL : 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Nested : No 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Prerequisites : 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - ------------------------------------------------------- 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Identifier : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Name : Visual Studio core editor 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Version : [15.0,16.0) 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Signature Details... 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Extension is not signed. 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Searching for applicable products... 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Found installed product - Global Location 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Found installed product - Visual Studio Professional 2017 14-05-2018 12:14:18 - System.InvalidOperationException: VSHiveStub.exe failed: PkgdefManagement failed to create application: "0x80070005". at VSIXInstaller.LocationBasedSKU.get_RegRootHiveOverride() at VSIXInstaller.SupportedVSSKU.InitializeSettingsManager() at VSIXInstaller.SupportedVSSKU.get_Host() at VSIXInstaller.SupportedVSSKU.CreateExtensionEngine() at System.Lazy1.CreateValue() at System.Lazy1.LazyInitValue() at System.Lazy1.get_Value() at VSIXInstaller.App.GetExtensionEngineForApplicableSKU(SupportedVSSKU supportedSKU, IInstallableExtension installableExtension, List1 applicableSKUs, Boolean isRepairSupported) at VSIXInstaller.App.TryAddSkuToValidSkuList(SupportedVSSKU supportedSKU, IInstallableExtension extension, List1 validSKUs, Boolean isRepairSupported) 14-05-2018 12:14:18 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products. at VSIXInstaller.App.GetInstallableData(String vsixPath, Boolean isRepairSupported, IEnumerable1& skuData) at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize(Boolean isRepairSupported) at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

When I'm trying to install it again, then it gives error message This extention is already isntalled to all applicable products. But extension cannot be found inside the Tools menu (Tools -> Asp.Net Zero -> Create An Entity).

5 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    Could you update you visual studio and try again?

  • User Avatar
    manojreddy created

    But I was using the same version of visual studio on different machine earlier. It was working fine

  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    Supported Products : 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community 14-05-2018 12:14:17 - Version : [15.0]

    15.0+ versions are supported. I am not sure if your issue is personal or common.

  • User Avatar
    manojreddy created

    I have Visual Studio 15.6.6

  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    I see. Updating visual studio to latest version will probably fix your issue.