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Historical assignements #53

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lemestrez created

Hi Hilkan,

what do you think about historical assignements for permissions ans roles, to recap the assigned rights/roles to any timestamp?


Id UserId RoleId ValidFrom ValidTo (Nullable => To check if it is valid)

And the same for:

User->Permission Role->Permission



3 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    What is it's purpose? If it's purpose is to know if a role WAS assigned to a user in a time range, what if we assign, unassign and assign again? In that case, we loose the history. Is'nt it better to write some audit log for each change (module-zero makes it already)? We may make UserRole soft-delete, so we can also keep old records for history. But, I think this is not needed. audit-logs show who assigned/unassigned a user to/from a role.

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    lemestrez created


    the audit log should fit the function I need. I searched for it, and i saw, the the function is realized on the application level and it logs the dto data. What happend with application calls which i want to log but not all data fields (e.g. the call of change password, but not the password field).

    Do have an documentation for it?

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    hikalkan created
    Support Team

    See docs: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-Logging</a>